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PoV: Jimin
"Yoongi, are you fine? You seem a little red.." I ask the mint haired boy after I notice the redness on his cheeks. I hope he didn't catch a cold or something like that.

"..Uhm- yeah sure, I'm fine" He mumbles and avoids the eye contact.. A little suspicious but okay.

So we go back to my room and sit down on my messy bed, staying quiet. The atmosphere is kinda awkward since I don't know what to talk about.. Yoongi seems to act calmed tho..

"Does.. anything bother or hurt you, Yoongi..?" I ask quietly, kind of afraid of the others reaction. It doesn't feel like the right moment to ask But I.. I just wanna know him.. And well, show him that I care and want to be a good friend Since he doesn't seem like someone who has good friends.

He just looks at me and doesn't say anything 'till he takes a deep breath and sighs.
"..Do I look that bad?" he asks kind of annoyed.

"That's not the reason I asked.. Can't you just answer the question?"

"Okay.. If you tell me why you're so.. kind- I might answer your question then." He says and looks at me. Is he serious?

"Yoongi, why the hell is it so weird to you that I'm kind? That's just how I am and that's nothing rare."

"Tz, bullshit" he replies without hesitation.

"People haven't been nice to you, hm?" I question. He shakes his head, keeping his mouth shut.

"You are weird" Suddenly Yoongi starts chuckling and lays down, staring at the ceiling. His little chuckle was the cutest thing I ever heard, oh my god.

"You think so?" I ask and smile lightly, laying down next to him.

"Yeah" he smiles. "Well. Things are not going well for me. I have bad grades, an eating disorder, my parents are abusing bastards, most of the time I get bullied and I don't even know myself anymore. I feel like I'm too used to it.." He keeps staring at the ceiling as his smile slowly disappears.

This time I could clearly tell that he was honest, and even tho he was not emotional or crying -I could tell from the inside he was probably screaming and in a lot of pain I can't even imagine.

"You wanna stay here then? I'd feel bad for letting you go back home to your.. parents" I suggest.

Yoongi turns towards me.
"Can I?" he asks quietly, almost unhearable.

"Of course" I say as I feel a slight pain in my chest when I look at Yoongi's beautiful face in front of me.

"Okay then" Yoongi whispers and smiles gently. "I.. really don't understand why you're being so nice to me but thank you.." he adds.

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