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PoV: Jimin
After that conversation we went downstairs and watched TV on the couch. Yoongi didn't seem to mind sitting between my legs with my arms around him, which confuses me..

The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about that bastard of a father.. It made me so mad- words can't describe it.



"... What is it like to be in a relationship?" he suddenly asks, still looking at the tv screen.
What? Doesn't he have any other problems to think about..??

"Why do you ask..? I've never been in a relationship" I answer.

Then he turns around and looks at me with shocked eyes.

"The fuck? Are you serious? I know that you are popular, so why..?" he says confused.

"Uhg.. Yeah... Weird world, huh" I chuckle.

I don't know the reason either, I've never been really in love so it's normal, right?

"So you are serious???" Yoongi asks again.

"Yes, Hyung" I reply.

"Hmmm. Really weird" He sighs and looks back at the tv screen leaning against me.
"I was just curious, that's why I asked.."

I smile and ruffle his hair
>I swear to god, go out with me then we'll both know< That's what I thought at least.

"Kookie and Tae are a couple, you should ask them. From what I heard they seem pretty happy together tho."

"They're gay?" The older asks.

I nod. "Yep, very gay."

Yoongi giggles and shakes his head.

"What's so funny?" I ask and smile lightly.

"Sorry.. The 'very' made me laugh" he mumbles.
Ahh, I want him to laugh more ╥﹏╥ How could I make him happy?.. I have no idea.

"What about you, Hyung?"

"Huh?" He glances at me and tilts his head.

"Sexuality" I say.

"Oh" He looks down and seems to think about his answer.
"Well, I don't think that the gender matters" he answers.

"That's a good attitude! Same here" I say happily.

"I see" Yoongi says cold as he looks at me.


And he keeps staring at me. The fact that he's pretty damn close and stares me right in my eyes, makes me hella nervous.

Looking back at his eyes drives me actually crazy- The desire of kissing him... Jimin, you can't do that.

"What is it?" He suddenly asks quietly.

"Huh..? Nothing.. Your staring just scares me" I answer.

Yoongi raises an eyebrow.

"I don't stare. You are staring, Jimin" He says and looks at me like I'm the most suspicious person he ever saw.

"I'm not staring! I'm just.. looking" I lie embarrassed.

"Aha. Then I'm just thinking" Yoongi shrugs.

"Thinking?.. What are you thinking?" I ask unsure.


"You said you are thinking.. So what are you thinking while looking at me?" I repeat more clearly.
Yes ,Jimin! You're so good at asking awkward questions 👏👏 (haha, kill me.)

Surprisingly Yoongi blushes and pulls away.
"..Good question.." He whispers, resting his chin on his knees.

I don't get him.

"What?" I ask nervously.

"Nothing. I don't know what I was thinking, maybe my mind was also just blank" he replies and sighs.
I see.. Weird question, weird answer I guess.

Once again we shut up and create and awkward silence between us.


PoV: Yoongi
I hate him! I hate you so much, Jimin.

What is he doing with my head? I don't know! And I don't like the feeling of him touching me or my hair! I'm so pissed and confused at the same time.. Ahhh...

We stay quiet and avoid eye contact.
.. why? for what? Weren't we just staring at each others eyes ? I don't get it.

And I was really thinking of nothing when he asked me what I think while looking at his face..
Maybe I was just analyzing his facial features (?) I don't know...

"Are you planning on going to school tomorrow..?" Suddenly Jimin pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Uhm.. Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?" I answer irritaded.

"I was just thinking, maybe you don't like that school and would rather stay here" He explains worried.

"What? No, the school is fine. So far. Really, better than my old one" I say.

"Oh really? I'm glad to hear that" Jimin sighs relieved and scratches the back of his neck.

Wait, would he actually allow me to stay here if I don't wanna go to school??

I won't ask.

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