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warning:... smut

Yeah, y'all are going to get blessed. Today's the day (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

PoV: Jimin

Yoongi puts his phone aside, smiles at me and then nods.

Uurrghh, just every single movement is so adorable when he does it.

"What vegetables?" he asks.

I sit down next to him and show the plate.

"Weelll, carrots, tomatos, cucumber... and cheese" I say.

".. Cheese is a vegetable?" he looks at me and narrows his brows.

"Uhm- No, it isn't! But .. I don't know. Maybe you like cheese plus vegetables.."

"You mean vegetables plus cheese"

"..Huh? Same thing" I reply confused.

Yoongi just giggles.

"I'm gonna try"
He says and reaches out for a tomato, putting it into his mouth, Then taking some cheese and adding it to the tomato piece in his mouth.
He starts chewing.


"...Ew" he says.

"Haha, it tastes bad??" I laugh unsurprised.

"Yea" He quickly swallows the disgusting combination and shivers from the bad after taste.

"Do you like that ??" He asks shocked.

I shake my head.

"No, I don't like it either"

"What the fuck Jimin" he says with his beautiful lips- Urgh I just love his lips and the way he speaks.

"Eat it without the chesse then" I ruffle his hair.

"I'll try" he sighs and looks away, being the shy bean again.

"..Well, how are you feeling anyway?"

"I'm still.. a little warm.. Too warm, but it's not as worse as ye-"

"Yeah, thank god your fever didn't got worse, really."

I interrupt him without even noticing.

"Yeah.." Yoongi eats a little carrot slice before putting the plate away and making himself comfy under the blankets.

"Jimin" he says as only his face peeks out of the blankets.


"Cuddle with me?"

I chuckle happily and nod.

"Of course" I answer and move Yoongi to the other side so I could lay next to him.

As soon as he is held in my arms, he exhales against my neck and starts falling asleep like a little kitten..

I love him so much, I hope I can hold him like this forever.


PoV: Yoongi
Thanks to Jimin my cold was all the way cured after only one week.
..He even skipped school for me, isn't that cute?

Oof, we started spending our days with just laying and kissing around.. Not complaining about that but...
It's unproductive,.. I dunno .

"Hyyuung~" The younger whines as he pokes my side.
He's back hugging me on the sofa, to make the image clear.




"..I was actually about to say something romantic but now I just started wondering.. What do you think of taekook?"

"Taehyung and Kookie?... Uh well, they're sweet..? I dunno what you meaan" I reply unsure.

"Of course they are, but like... Their relationship."

"Are you trying to point at the fact that they fuck too much?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yes !! What do you think of that??"

Lel, Jimin.

"Uuhhmm, I mean It's non of our buisness. But I respect that Kookie is able to take that much D "

"I knooww rightt?? Hyung, you think you have such an amazing butt as well!??" Jimins mood suddenly turns into excitment.

What the hell, yo.

I glare at Jimin and squint my eyes.

"..What did you say? " I question.

"Jimin. How about you're the one who takes the D !!" I shout dramatically as I sit up and point at his butt.

"Wha- Never." He contradicts.
"Oh god, is this actually going to be an issue..?" he adds confused.

"No, it's okay. If it's Jimin I'm fine with being the bottom"

"-Woah really? Nevermind I'm not surprised. I don't believe you could top anyone hyung"

This brat.

"W-What did you say? I can! I'm a guy too.." I sound almost desperate..

"Noo, you might seem all cold, but you're a pure baby on the inside~~('∀')" Jimin pinches my cheeks and pats my head.

I hope this is not turning my face into a tomato again..

I hate him.. BUt I alsO love him so muuch, siigh.

..I honestly have no knowledge about gay tho.

Like- Of course, I know it's anal, and..
OkaY Yoongi, stop thinking.
Just stop.

"You're so loveable, I seriously can't handle it.." Jimin rubs his nose gently against mine, which reminds me a little of mika when I snuggle with her.
"Just look at you~!" he continues.

"Okay, stop it.." I mumble embarrassed, trying to keep a normal skin tone

"Haha your cheeks are so pink, hyung" he laughs.

"shut up" I sigh and look at the younger. Then I look embarrassed away.

"Hyyunng.. One question" Jimin says more calm

I glance at him curiously.

"Is there something you wish for your 20th birthday?" he asks.

I tilt my head and make a confused face.

"..Huh? Why would there be something I 'wish' ?"

"I mean- It's a special day, right?? I want to give you something nice.. to make you happy!" The boy smiles brightly.

"..It's okay, I don't need anything" I answer.

"Whaaat? Noo, tell me what you want! A plushie? A CD? Maybe a video game??"

"-No. I am already happy and don't want you to buy anything for me" I say and roll my eyes

"But what about-"

"Just. Stay with me, and that's my birthday present okay? You make the happiest person I can be, Jimin...I really don't need anything else" I say a little shy.

Jimin looks at me for a whole while before pulling me into tight hug, stroking my hair gently.

"Haha you're so cuute.. Hearing that makes me feel really glad." he whispers.
"I'm still going to get you a little something. No matter if you want it or not" He adds and chuckles.

I wrap my arms around his torso clingy and rub my face againt his sweater.

"Ahhh Jiminnn~~" I hum in love.

I just love this guy so damn much, he's the sweetest loving person in the world- I.. I'm so lucky to have him.



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