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PoV: Jimin
"T-Taehyung could arrive any minute.. Y-You should dry your hair!" I say nervously, holding back my grin.

"Oh, really? 'Key, I'm gonna do that.. " he answers boredly.

"Do that, bab-" I immediately shut up and cover my mouth.

"Huh? What was that?" The other asks, raising an eyebrow.

"N-Nothing! Now hurry up to the bathroom and blowdry your hair~"

Irritaded Yoongi agrees and goes back to the bathroom.



What should I do What should I do ;-; I don't even know 50% of him so how am I supposed to breathe when I see more sides of him ??!! It's gonna be my death :')

Suddenly I here the doorbell ringing, which brings me back to reality.

I run downstairs and open up the door.

"Yoo Jiminie! Ready to play games??" As always he greets me with his typical giant grin and pulls me in a bro hug.

"Sure..maybe Later" I say. "But come upstairs now. I gotta tell you something important before it's a little too late." I take his wrist and pull him upstairs to my room.

"Okay, what wrong?" He chuckles as he sits down on the carpet and watches me.

"Yo, is someone in the bathroom? Or did you forget to turn off your hairdryer?" Taehyung asks after he notices the sound.

"Yeah. Actually there is someone-"

"Oh Jimin, don't tell me it's again another random girl" Tae interrupts me and looks disappointed. pm

"It's not!" I sigh.

I sit down in front of him. "Okay listen."

"I... have a crush. An actual one. in the bathroom. You might have already heard about him" I explain, Tae's mouth already opened up, forming a shocked '0'.

"We didn't have sex! Really,.. I never felt so .. fluttery towards a person, I guess.. (?). And ! He lives here. Don't ask why, long story." I wait for more reaction.


"Please! Just don't be.. rude or weird in front of him. He's the new student and everyone started gossiping about him."

"You mean that Min Yoonji guy ??" He asks surprised.

"Min YoonGi. Yeah." I correct him and roll my eyes.

"Okay.. but wait- You gotta explain a few thi-"
Suddenly Yoongi enters the room and notices Taehyung.

His expression was kinda funny. Like, 'Oh god, he's already here What should I do, I'm shook-'.

"Uh.. Hey" He says awkwardly careful and closes the door behind him.


"Hey! I'm Taehyung, Nice to meet'cha" Surprisingly Tae stands up and introduces himself.

"Yeah.. Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you too" Yoongi says and sits down along with Tae.

Now we three are sitting here on the carpet, not saying anything. Pretty uncomfortable actually.

Yoongi gives me confused glance and obviously doesn't now how to act. He seemes desperate, it's so cute.

Same with Taehyung. I guess the fact that I just told him that the guy next to him is my crush, is still on his mind and distracting.

After a few more seconds of silence Yoongi is the first one who talks.

"Uhm.. Maybe I should go downstairs?? Did you have any plans?" he asks.

Oh hell no, Yoongi shouldn't feel like a bother. So I quickly say That we had no special plans and that he should stay with us.


PoV: Yoongi
"Okay, let's just play games..! I got the new Call of Duty volume!" Jimins friend suggests and presents a CD cover that he pulled out of his sweater jacket.

"Sure let's do that. Okay, Yoongi?" Jimin smiles at me before I nod uncertain.

We go downstairs to the living room and sit down on the sofa, Jimin being iln the middle.

"Honestly, I don't have experiences in this" I admit after they turn on the tv and hand me a PS controller.

Jimin doesn't seem suprised but Taehyung is literally shocked, which makes me feel ...not good.

"What?! For real?? What the fuck do you usually-"

"Tae. Calm down" Jimin suddenly says and Taehyung got instantly quiet. Thank god.

"Sorry. Uuhhm, Well Yoongi. What do you usually do in your freetime? You don't play video games?" He asks more serious then.

In fact, I have no idea. 'Usually' I lay in my bed and stare st the ceiling? Read a book or listen to some music. What are teenagers doing? I don't know.

"Nothin special.. Jusst listening to music" I go with the music option since it sounds cooler than reading books.

"Music?.. And what kind of?" Tae looks judging at me but Jimin seems to be interested too so I have 4 giant eyes staring at me, expecting me to say what kind of music I prefer.

"Uh.. Rock? Pop? Don't care" I answer cold and act all calmed, even tho I'm not at all.

"Pop?? Oh really? What exactly? Any favorite songs? Artists? Do you like G Dragon?"
So many damn questions.

My head starts hurting, I don't feel like answering any of that shit. The mood is getting low and I just want to leave..
Why am I like this?

"Taehyung. Wait a second, okay?" Jimin puts his and mine controller aside. Irritated I watch him standing up and grabbing my wrist.

"Come with me" I couldn't even answer as I was pulled away, out of the living room.

He takes me to the kitchen and closes the door, making a serious face.

Did I fuck up? Was my behaivor not right and now he's mad?

"Are you okay, Yoongi?" He asks all of the sudden.


"You seem a little stressed. Is everything okay or shall I tell Taehyung to leave?" he adds.

What the..? He would tell his best friend to leave just for me? That's crazy.. Not real.

"N-No, holy shit- Don't worry. I felt.. just a little overwhelmed. I think." I reply.

"Sure? If he's annoying just tell him to shut the fuck up, okay? He will get it" Jimin smiles lightly and pats my shoulder.

I hope I'm not blushing cuz I definetelly feel hot.

"It's okay, really. I'll try to be more talk active.."

"Don't. Just be yourself and don't force yourself to anything" Then he cups my face and stares in my eyes like he's talking to my damn broken soul.

Fuck, Why is he like this?.. Why am I like this?!


This time a slightly longer chapter :3 Hope you liked it, please tell me if there are any mistakes ^^

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