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PoV: Yoongi
Wednesday. The day Jimin and I are going ...uhhh.
Shopping, yeah.

"You sure, you don't wanna dress a little nicer?"

"First of all.. No"

Jimin starts laughing, making my eyes roll.

"Second, if I'm going to try on new clothes it must be quick and easy. ALSO, how am I supposed to dress up when all I can wear are YoUr comfy clothes?" I explain.

"Okay Okay, you're right~ But this is like a date so you-"

I glare at Jimin and he finally shuts up.

It's not that I'm having a bad day or something like that but Jimin was literally complaining about my "outfit" for almost 10minutes.. Like I have such a bad taste...

"Okay Yoongi baby, let's just go Cuz at the end you look always beautiful to me anyway~" Jimin takes my hand and pulls me out of the house. Jeez, I can't resist this sweet guy.


On our way to the shopping center Jimin showed me a few other parts of the city I didn't know about yet. It was pretty fun actually.

I've never been outside with a.. friend (or boyfriend). Neither had I ever fun being outside, but with Jimin by my side I feel safe and comfortable.

We went to a few stores and bought some nice stuff, not only for me But also for Jimin himself.
He even bought me a red sweater from wehumble, a very expensive brand, in a color I usually never wear But Jimin said it looked 'amazing' so I couldn't say no.. [Red]


PoV: Jimin

What Yoongi doesn't know, is that I bought a little present for him while he was changing. I might give it to him later at home or on a special day! I hope he's going to like and use it~

"Anything else you need?" I ask happily as we leave one of the last stores.

He shakes his head and then looks at me with a questioning expression.

"I don't need anything either" I smile at him and he returns it. He's so adorable, uurrghh.

"Means, we're done~" I check the time and see that there's still a little time left before our bus would come.

"How about a little snack?" I suggest.

He just shrugs.
Oh yeah, almost forgot about his eating disorder, I'm such an idiot.

"How about ice cream?"

"Jimin, it's winter."

"You don't like ice cream?"

".... I do actually"

"For real??" I ask surprised.

"Yeah, like.. It's something I don't reject In fact"

So Yoongi seems to like ice cream and he couldn't tell me earlier? That might make a lot of things easier! Sure, from now on I can't just feed him with ice, that'd be too unhealthy, but it might help to gain a little more weight, right?

"..You won't feel cold? If we eat ice cream now"

"You won't warm me up?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow and looks at me with a light smirk.

WohoHooo, okay Yoongi. That flirting point goes to you but now my heart is in panic. That was too much from a usually quiet Yoongi.

"I will!"

Yoongi chuckles and blushes afterwards.

So we go to an ice cream store and buy one scoop of ice cream for each of us.
I notice that Yoongi chose a weird flavor that looks just like his hair color, which is hella cute actually.

"Hyung, what is that flavor you got there? Can I try it?" I ask curiously looking at his ice.

"Its... Uhm, a known flavor in Europe. Germany to be exactly, and in english it'd be called woodruff" he explains and hands me his waffle.

Interesting.. I lick on it and..-


"Ew thats-!.. y-You like that..?" I ask in shock. For me it tastes reeaallly weird and wrong in a lot of ways.

"Shut up! I-It's good" Yoongi pouts, protecting his lil ice scoop.
I can't help myself and start laughing at how cute Yoongis behaivor just was.

"I'm sorry Hahahah, I didn't mean to insult your taste" I chuckle and pat the other's head.
"As long as you like it, I'm glad"

Yoongi punches me jokingly and rolls his eyes.
"You chose chocolate, that's so boring!"

"Ehy! Chocolate is great!"

"See! So is my woodruff!" Yoongi complains.

I swear to god, just the word 'woodruff' is killing me :')

"Okay okaaaay, Now let's go. Or else we're going to miss our bus" I laugh and grab his hand. Tightly.

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