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PoV: Yoongi

The passed few weeks have been a real blessing. Thanks to Jimin it's not such a pain for me anymore to eat food, and I even gained 5 pounds within two weeks.
Words could never describe how much I love that young guy who makes my heart flutter every single day.

I'm still pretty insecure about myself and the people around me but I try to keeo that insecurity low...

"Jimin" I say.

"Hmm?" he looks at me.

"I love you" I mumble.

Then he suddenly starts choking on the noodles he was eating.
"dhabah Y-Yeah,! I wuv you too! ixnwgajxy A bunch!" he coughs.

"A-Are you alright,..?"

"..yeah, Sorry. That was just a little unexpected and too much for my lion heart"

I giggle at Jimins explanation and nod, looking down at my hands.

"..No, really... I don't know what I'd do without you. And.. I wish I could pay you back or something like that"

Jimin suddenly gets up, puts our dishes into the dishwasher and walks up to me.

"You don't need to do me a favor, Yoongi. You staying by my side is my biggest luck. And that's enough to make me the happiest human in the world"

He smiles at me gently and takes my hand.

My mind is literally about to explode.
I know that Jimin is always saying nice and kind stuff, but I just can't get used to it!
My face is probably turning all red again..

"..I-If you say so" I mumble uncertain and try to avoid the eyecontact. It makes me way too nervous...


[Little note: In one of the coming chapters, there's some VKook action waiting for us (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Stay tuned.]

"Hey, Yoongi.. When did you dye your hair like this?" Jimin asks as we're enjoying our (already daily) couch time.

"Huh? .. I don't remember... Maybe Two months ago? Must have been right before I came to this school" I explain.
"Why do you asks?"

"Hmm, well it looks pretty amazing. Did I ever tell you that?"

I shake my head.
"No, you didn't. Thanks.." I answer shyly.

"To be honest, I always wanted to dye my hair too.. But I'm afraid it would look bad or destroy my hair" he starts stroking my hair and analyzes it.

"Really? What color?" I ask curiously.

"Uhh, blonde.. maybe orange actually. ?" he says uncertain.

"Go for it! I believe you'd look super handsome!!" I say without thinking before talking.

"Haha, really?" Jimin chuckles.

I nod 100 times.

"Shall we go to the hair dresser tomorrow then?" he suggests.

"What? No, we should just buy the colors and I will dye them for you!"

"-Woow, you can do that?!" He asks surprised.

My proud expression gives him the answer.

"Yooo, my boyfriend is such a talent!" He pulls me tightly into his arms and kisses me all over the face.

I couldn't help it and start laughing like a little kid.


After that, he listened to a long presentation from me about all kinds of dying methods and how to keep the hair healthy. He seemed pretty amazed by my knowledge 😌


PoV: Jimin

Today's the day... It is time..

Time to change my life... my hair

"Jimin calm down, it's just hair" Yoongi sighs as he places me on a chair in the middle of the bathroom, laying a towel around my neck and torso.

".. Hyung, you know I love you So please don't prank me" I say nervously.


"-I'm soorrryy, okay! I'm hella nervous!" I whine desperately.

The older giggles quietly before he starts brushing my hair with a wet hair brush.
"It's going to be okay, don't worry" he says softly.

I know I'm overreacting.. I don't know why, usually I really don't give a shit about my hair style.


literally 3 hours later:
"J-Jimin..." Yoongi mumbles, after he finished blwo drying my hair.

"What is it?! Does it look terrible??" I ask shocked.

He gulps. "..No, it looks so good"

Woah- "Really??" I ask excited.
"Show me the mirror, I wanna see it too!!" I swing excitedly on the chair, noticing some orange wisps of hair from the corner of my eye.

Yoongi then turns the chair, revealing the mirror in front of me.

Yooo, that looks really not that bad!.. I might get used to it right away.

"Wooohh, I look so different" I switch between my front and side profile, checking if the color really got on every single hair.

In the mirror I look over at Yoongi and see that his whole face is red.

"What's wrong?" I chuckle. Am I that handsome? 😎

Yoongi suddenly squats and hides his face.
"I-I'm .. so proud. of myself. I'm a genius, holy fuck. I just created art.. I'm.."

"-Who are you?!" I burst out in laugher when I hear Yoongi talking like this. That doesn't sound like him at all, it's hilarious !

".. Hehe, I was joking.." He gets up again and looks at me. " But it really looks good. Orange was a good idea" He mumbles.

I put away the towel around my neck and stand up, walking up to Yoongi.
"Well, thanks to my boyfriend's help~ It wouldn't look good without you" I pinch his cheeks gently.

The older smiles immediately and shakes his head.
"No, you're lying~" he chuckles shyly, pressing my hands away.

"I'm not, it's the truth~" I ruffle his hair

"No, a lie~" he pushes my hand away again.

"No, the truth~"

"No, a lie~"

"No, the truth~"

"No, a lie~"



" YOU'RE SO CUTE, LEMME LUV YOU~!" I pull Yoongi brutaly in my arms and swing him around like he's a stuffed toy.

"Jimin!" Yoongi starts laughing and tries to get out of my grib.

"It's hopeless! You're caught in my arms forever!" I smirk evily.

"Haha, okaaay~" Yoongi doesn't even complain about that.

It's so fun being like this with Yoongi, It makes me really damn happy.

"Okay, enough of this joking around" I say regretful, letting him down.
"We should clean this mess" I add and point at the dirty sink and mirror, caused by the hair dye.

Yoongi nods silently and then starts cleaning with me.

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