This might be sad, it might not be so yeah XD
I think there's a slight AU where the squid army got powerful and did a surprise attack so yeah
'Almost there' Bodil growled as he was heading towards his home.
It had been a few minutes since the surprise attack that the squids had done within the town and it only been a few seconds before half of the townspeople were either killed or injured. At the same time, the commanders and their armies quickly got into action to fight against the enemy, at the same time, did an evacuation for the remaining townspeople to the safe bunker.
During the evacuation, Bodil had remembered that his husband had returned home early and started heading back home, hoping that he'll make it.
Once he got close enough, his heart dropped when he saw the door broken in and quickly ran inside.
"Simon!" Boil cried out in a panic as he ran inside the house to see everything completely trashed, making him worry more and panicky looked through every room.
During the search, he had seen at least three corpses that belonged to the squid army. 'Why would they be here!?' he thought, slightly angry. After searching throughout the whole house, Bodil was close to having a breakdown when he suddenly remembered the secret cellar in the backyard and quickly ran outside in the back and towards the entrance.
He saw some of the grass was ripped out of the ground and quickly felt around the small area before finding the handle and lifted the door up.
"Simon?" Bodil hesitantly called out, worried that his husband might be hurt or worse.
After a few seconds, Bodil was about to step into the darkness when he stopped, hearing a slight rustling sound coming from the darkness and a second later, a soft purple glow appeared, revealing to be Simon having his left hand on the step and his right placed on his stomach.
"Simon!" Bodil happily exclaimed as he hurriedly ran down, nearly tripping over the steps and quickly hugged Simon, whom quickly hugged back. The hug lasted for a minute before Bodil quickly pulled away and worriedly looked over Simon for any major injuries.
"S-Stop that" Simon softly growls as he grabbed Bodil's wandering hands, "I'm fine Martin...we're fine" Simon then softly said before placing his forehead against Bodil's chest.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Bodil once against held his husband close, smiling a bit when he felt the baby bump pressed against his own stomach.
"Come on, we need to go" Bodil interrupted the peaceful silence before helping Simon out of the cellar.
Once outside, Bodil quickly picked the smaller Bulgarian up bridal style which caught Simon by surprise and grabbed onto Bodil. "Hey!" Simon growled in annoyance which made Bodil laugh and started heading towards the safe bunker. "Sorry, but this is faster" Bodil quickly explained which Simon couldn't really argue.
Bodil was nearly halfway to the bunker and was glad that Simon had fallen asleep because he didn't want the smaller to see the destruction around them, especially some of the corpse being children.
'No, I can't think that' Bodil quickly pushed that thought away and kept moving.
But he quickly stopped, hearing multiple footsteps and quickly ran into a ruined building and kept quiet while listening.
'There' least five of them' Bodil thought after counting how many of them were out there.
He knew that he can't take them all by himself since he have Simon to worry about since the smaller Bulgarian couldn't fight in his condition. He knew that he have to make a quick decision since the footsteps are slowly getting closer. Bodil slightly teared up, knowing what he have to do and quickly moved around some broken stuff enough to hide Simon.
Before fully hiding him, Bodil leans down and gently pressed his lips against Simon's while gently rubbing his stomach. "обичам те" Bodil softly whispers before painfully pulling away and hid his husband.
Quickly wiping his tears away, Bodil grabbed on the flare gun and stepped out. "Hey you bastards!" Bodil shouted, catching the other's attention before shooting the flare gun up in the air and quickly ran away, causing the other squid soldiers to chase him with the intent to kill.
Letting out a low groan, Simon slowly woke up, expecting to still be in Bodil's arms, but instead was laying on a bed.
"Bodil..." he softly called out as he slowly pushed himself up and looked around, recognizing the room to be from the bunker. "We made it" Simon said to himself, though still wondering where the older Bulgarian was before quickly looking at the door as it opened it, but his hopes were dashed when, instead of Bodil, it was simply Ty.
"Ty?" Simon slightly questioned though Ty's expression was blank as he walked up to the smaller Bulgarian with something in his hand.
"Where's B-Bodil" Simon questioned again, for some reason, having a feeling of dread in his chest.
Ty's blank expression quickly changed to a sad expression before letting out a sigh. "I'm...sorry Simon" Ty quietly said, slightly confusing Simon though the feeling of dread quickly grew. "Where's Bodil" Simon asked again, almost demanded. Not saying anything, Ty simply handed something to Simon.
Blinking in slightly confusion, Simon looked down at his hands and inhaled sharply, recognizing the ripped yellow-and-orange tie with a red stain on it.
"W-What.....i-it's n-not..." Simon trailed off, realizing what had happened and started to shake, his breathing slowly becoming irregular and held the ripped tie close to his chest.
'He promised! He promised to never leave us!' Simon mentally yelled before slowly crying, ignoring the slight warmness as Ty was holding him close, comforting him.
Like I said, not sure if its sad so yeah XD
Comment down of what you think so far and yeah
Piper out-

Youtubers Oneshot (Book 2) (boyxboy)
FanfictionHere book 2 of the oneshots; Putting requests here as well as my own ships.....mostly my ships if there's no request so better deal with it