Valentine Day - Nick(SGCBarbierian) x Puppet!Zres

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Just Nick showing Puppet about another holiday xD

Happy Valentine's day



"So on this day is special for you humans?"

"Well....I'm not really sure why this day is special, but yes"

"Mm....humans have very strange holidays" Zres commented making Nick laugh a bit as he slightly tugged the other's arm, leading him around town.

"But you humans do this everyday, but how does this day makes it special from any other day?" Zres asked him with his eyebrow slightly raised. "It just does" Nick simply said before pulling him towards one of the shops.

Zres couldn't help but smile a bit as he watched Nick looking at everything like an innocent child. Sometimes Nick would put on different sunglasses and hats before showing it to him and sometimes Nick would place a hat on Zres' head, though luckily not as much as Nick putting them on himself. After a few more minutes of window-shopping, Nick soon grabbed Zres' hand and pulled him towards the area where the amusement park was.

"Have you heard of the Ferris Wheel?" Nick asked his lover, whom gain a confused expression answering Nick's question. "Well, its kinda a main point of a romantic setting though I never understood why, but I thought that it might be fun" Nick explained to Zres as he dragged him towards the line for the Ferris Wheel, surprisingly it wasn't a long line so both Nick and Zres quickly got into the cart for the ride.

When the ride started to move, Zres quickly grabbed onto Nick with a surprise expression making Nick giggle before wrapping his arms around Zres' chest. "Its okay, I'm here" Nick softly said to Zres in a comforting tone, making the older slowly relax and placed his chin on top of Nick's head.

Once they were at the top, Zres took a peak outside and was amazed by the sight. "Wow..." he breathed out, seeing everything at bird's eye view making Nick laugh a bit and looks out as well. "Amazing right?" Nick asked which the other's nodded.

Luckily the sun was setting which made the area light up even brighter with colorful lights.

Smiling more, Nick soon lean up and placed a loving kiss on Zres' kiss, making the older blush a bit and looks down at his lover before softly smiling back and leans in, lightly kissing the smaller.


Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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