Promise - Skyhds90

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When you wake up from a nap and suddenly got an idea XD so yeah
Also this is a family gen oneshot
"Hey Junior, I want to talk to you for a moment"
"Ugh, fine mom" Junior slightly groan before letting go of the doorknob and turn to his 'mother' before his mind clicked when he recognised the sweet tone in his 'mother's' tone. 'Oh no, not another talk' Junior thought.
"Now, you know that I love you right?" Simon stated as he firmly gripped his son's shoulders whom quickly nodded in slight fear since his 'mother' being eerily calm was more frightening than him being angry. "And I know how closer you got with Zion" "God mom! He's just a friend" Junior quickly exclaimed as his cheeks were turning a bit red. "But I want to to promise me something" Simon kept talking as if Junior never interrupted him.
"P-Promise what?" Junior nervously asked with a small grin. Laughing at his son's antics, Simon placed his hand on Junior's cheek and the light atmosphere quickly turn dark, "Promise me that you won't make me a fucking grandparent early"
Junior let out an internally scream at his 'mom's' scary tone before rapidly nodding, "I-I promise mom" he said and soon the atmosphere quickly turn back to normal with Simon happily smiling, "Good" he said before kissing his son's forehead and pulling away, "Have fun with Zion" then he walked off, leaving Junior very scared.
"You better keep that promise son" he heard his dad and turn to the couch to see him sitting with his little sister sleeping on his lap.
"Mom can get really scary"
"I know but its really hot to see him like that" Sky stated with a pervy grin making Junior groan, "Ew, I don't need to know that dad"
That's all I got XD
Comment down of what you think so far and yeah
Piper out-

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