You shouldn't have followed me - Simdil90

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This is actually a small part of a story that I have, though it wasn't posted since the story idea was the spur of the moment so I probably wouldn't post it but yeah *shrugs*



Letting out a low grunt, Bodil managed to slip through the crack of the half-opened window, entering the building.

Once inside, Bodil pulled out his cell to use as a light and started making his way through the dark hallways, trying to find Simon. He was still confused and a bit suspicion on why Simon keep coming back to this place and he wasn't the only one who came back here.

As he kept walking, Bodil never realized how creepy the place was after closing time though he pushed those thoughts back as he focused on his mission.

Soon enough, he started to hear faint voices ahead of him causing him to walk faster towards the voices, thinking that it's Simon and the others, but as he got close enough, he picked up a hint of anger and fear making him stop by the doorway to listen in.

"Why can't you fucking stay dead!" he heard Simon yell out in rage before hearing someone he doesn't recognize let out a chuckle before hearing Simon hiss out.

"Now my dear puppet, we both know that I can never die~" an unknown voice coos out before he heard him moving around along with the sound rustling. "Don't bother struggling little puppet, those ropes are enchanted to be unbreakable" the voice said in a calm tone which the rustling sound stopped.

He heard Simon growl out before taking deep breaths, "Where are the others" Simon asked. "Oh they're around....after I finished reprogrammed them, they're just wondering around" the voice said, sounding like he was smirking. Soon the rustling sound started, now more violent, "YOU BASTARD!!" Simon yelled out in rage, "WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE, I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU AGAIN!"

"My my little puppet, how cute that you still care about them~" the voice coos out before Simon's sounds became more panicky. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PURPLE FREAK!"

"Leave him alone!" Bodil yelled out as he quickly burst in the room to see Simon on the ground, on his side, with slightly glowing ropes wrapped around his chest, stomach and knees to keep him from escaping, but the man kneeling behind Simon was the one that caught his attention the most.

It was a young man around his early twenties with ebony black hair that is held back in a small pony tail, surprisingly light purple skin and was wearing a dark purple security guard suit. But the most shocking features about the man was his pure white glowing eyes and a sinister grin on his face. The man was also holding a taser.

"Bodil!" Simon was shocked to find him here and soon his shock quickly changed to horror as the man slowly chuckle before he stood up, eyeing Bodil.

"Well, is this your new friend little puppet?" the man asked as his grin became a bit bigger, "Why don't you introduce me to him~"

"RUN BODIL!" Simon yelled out in a panic before eyeing when the man kicked him in the back, "Quiet little puppet" the man told him making Bodil mad, "Leave him alone!" Bodil growls out as he was about to run forwards when he suddenly stopped when the man pulled out a knife. "Ah Ah, you wouldn't want me to hurt you or the puppet~" the man coos out as Bodil tried to think of something since all he have is his cell.

"Mm...actually, you are right on time" The man suddenly said in a happy tone, confusing them. "Like the phrase says, 'Curiosity kills the cat' your other friends will follow behind and soon the fun will begin" the man simply explained.

Before they could react, the man swiftly pushed Simon on his stomach and pushed the end of the taser against the back of his neck and turned it on.

"AHHH!" Simon started screaming in pain as electric shock went throughout his body which quickly made him lose control of his form.

As soon as it happened, it quickly stopped as the man quickly turned the taser off and cut the rope. "Have fun~" the man coos before quickly leaving to the back door.

"Simon!" Bodil ran to the fallen man and was about to grip his shoulder when Simon suddenly reached up, tightly gripping the older's wrist as he raised his head to face Bodil, revealing his right face shadowed by his hair and what shocked Bodil was a glowing white dot on his right eye.

"R-Run...." Simon managed to say through the pain which Bodil shook his head and was about to help him up, "No, I'm not leaving you" Bodil told him with a frown which the smaller let out a small growl before slowly moving to his knees while slowly tightening his grip.

Bodil soon noticed how Simon was slowly growing taller and felt his nails slowly becoming sharper which are slowly cutting into his wrist.

"Run" Simon said in a slight deeper voice before instantly throwing Bodil back though his strength became stronger resulted in Bodil being through almost out of the room.

Yelping from the impact, Bodil quickly move to his feet and looked at Simon, seeing his body trembling violently before deciding to trust him and ran off, but he damn well isn't going to leave the place without helping Simon.


*shrugs* idk xD

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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