Don't Sleep - Cyan

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This is probably my second time writing this ship and I think I kinda remember how they act, but if they go a bit OOC then I apologize
So yeah
This is based on a movie which I freaking forgot the name of it but yeh
Clash let out a low growl as he stiffens another yawn before rapidly blinks along with rubbing his eyes, trying to push back the sleepiness but to little success. 'Don't fall asleep' he growled to himself as he uncovered his eyes and loked down to see Double peacefully sleeping with his head resting on his own lap and jacket used as a blanket. The hybrid stared down at the sleeping male for a few seconds before unconsciously running his clawed fingers through the other's hair, glad that Double was still safe and uninfected.
Then he felt a small twitch in his chest and soon felt his eyelids growing heavy.  Clash quickly shook his head before gently moving Double's head off his lap and onto the ground with another jacket used as a pillow before the hybrid carefully move to his feet and walked away.
'Don't fall asleep don't fall asleep' Clash chanted to himself as he was trying to push the feeling away by slapping himself and pinching his arm, sometimes leaving small cuts made by his claws. Then he stopped in front of the small pharmacy and his eyes lit up along with his ears perking up. "There got to be some kind of medicine to help" he growled to himself as he quickly stepped into the room and stumbled towards the cabinet, swing it open and started looking at each plastic container, reading every name in hopes of finding the right one.
"This is the closest" he mutters as he grabbed the container and shakily opened it to grab two small pills. "T-Two hours should be enough" he said before placing the container down and stepped outside of the pharmacy and quickly headed towards the soda aisle. Clash grabbed a random bottle and sluggishly opened it before putting the pills in his mouth and swiftly chugged down nearly half of the soda before pulling the bottle away, breathing heavily.
He could feel some of the sleepiness fade away, but not as must as he would have liked and decided to keep drinking the soda, hoping that both the medicine and the caffeine would keep him awake long enough to take Double to a safe place before the infection takes hold.
(Five minutes later)
"Mm...." Double was snapped awake by the sound of something falling. He let out a yawn while rubbing his eyes for a few seconds before realizing that he was by himself and felt his heart skip a beat in fear.
"C-Clash?" He called out as he tiredly move to his feet and startes to search for his hybrid lover.
After looking through almost every aisle, Double made it to the soda aisle and when he looked inside, his whole body suddenly froze in horror.
"Clash!" He cried out as he ran towards the hybrid, whom was sitting down and half leaning against the wall and half laying on the floor with a half empty bottle of sode tipped over. Also to Double's horror, Clash was deeply asleep and he could already see some fleshy slime on some parts of Clash's face and neck.
"No no no" he quickly chanted as he tried to wake the hybrid up, "Wake up!" Double begged as he started smacking the other's cheeks, but with no response. Then he suddenly remembered something and move to his feet, running back to where he woke up, quickly opened the backpack and looked around for a few seconds before pulling out a syringe and ran back.
Double then move Clash onto his back and lifted his shirt, exposing his chest and felt around. 'Come on!' Double whine out until he felt the heartbeat and quickly removed the plastic, that was covering the needle, with his teeth and pressed the end of the needle against the area that he found.
"Sorry" he quickly apologized before pushing the needle in and plunging the liquid into Clash.
As soon as he removed the needle, Clash's body gave out a violent twitch before suddenly sitting up with a loud gasp, feeling the rush of adrenaline pumping thoughout his body and barely had time to react whe Double tightly hugging him while crying in relief. While still heavily breathing, Clash shakily wrapped his arms around his crying lover and tightly hugged him back.
"I'm here.....I'm here..." the hybrid managed to say, reassuring Double.
Eh so yeah XD I tried
Comment down of what you think so far and yeah
Piper out-

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