Chapter 5 Chantel

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Warning: Explicit content in this chapter!


"Did your daddy ask you anything about Mommy?" I questioned Casey, who was playing with his toy truck.


"Do you want to go over his house today?"

"I want to stay here." He smiled.

I held my arm out and he crawled under my body as I laid on the couch. We ended up watching a few movies together before falling asleep.

I heard someone knocking at the door and I eased from under Casey' s sleeping baby.

"Don't you think it's a little too late to be picking him up?"

"I wanted to put him to bed. Where he at?" He asked while pushing the door open with his left hand and entering.

"Now you know he's sleep! Don't wake him up, Marcus!"

I followed him to the couch as he pulled Casey into his arms."I'm not waking him up, Erica. I'm finna take him to his bed."

I watched him carry Casey to the back as I picked up a few of his toys. When he appeared in the living room, he plopped on the couch and flicked through the channels.

"Excuse you?"


"You are not my man!" I snatched the remote out of his hand and crossed my arms.

"So yo man the only one who can watch TV over here?

"And Casey!"

"Quit playing, Erica. You know you ain't got nobody." He laughed before snatching the remote away from me.

I sat down on the couch and crossed my legs. "That's what you think."

His eyes were glued to the ESPN channel before I curled under him, catching his attention.

"What you doing?"

"I can't lay under you?"

"This ain't cheating is it? Because Chan considers everything cheating."

"No, Marcus." I rolled my eyes and sighed at the thought of Chantel. He was always bringing her up in the conversation. Six years later and me and that bitch still didn't get along.

He reclined back a little farther, until I was able to lay my head on chest comfortably. Marcus wrapped his arm around me and I tried to make sense of what they were discussing on television. I didn't budge when his hand grazed over my booty. Whether it was on purpose or an accident, I was going to enjoy this feeling.

Rubbing my eyes, I stretched a bit and sat up. Marcus was no where to be found and a pillow was under me, in place of him. I could here Casey's small feet stomping around the wood floors.


"I hope everything goes well with this pregnancy... I'm so nervous." I spoke pulling Marcus' dick out of my mouth.

"You really think this is the time you need to be talking about the baby?"

"Why not?"

"Okay, a few more minutes and we can talk." He spoke, trying to push my head down, gently .

"We need to talk now. I'm so nervous Marcus and you just-" I paused mid-sentence to prevent the tears from flowing.

"Why you crying?"

Marcus had a confused but agitated look on his face as I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't know if it was the baby doing this to me or my actual feelings that were surfacing.

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