Insecurity+Parenthood=Sleepless nights Chapter 2.

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~*Cassidy's POV*~

"WAKE UP ... Cassidy, Sarah ... WAKE UP!!!"

"Huh ... whaa mom whats going on?"

"Yeah, why are you waking us up in the middle of the night. Wait is it time for school?" Sarah said wiping her eyes while talking in a groggy voice.

"Just get up and stuff all that you can in these two trash bags and hurry up."

"What. I don't understand." I yelled while searching for my glasses that layed on the nightstand next to my bed.

"Cassidy get up sweety. For mommy please."

"Okay mom, were getting ready. Where's Anthony?" Sarah asked with a worried look on her face.

"I'll tell you---"

"CASSANDRA ... BxTXH WHERE ARE YOU?!!?" A deep voice yelled throughout the house.

"oh no ... my mother whispered ... change of plans hide the bags, and get in bed. Sarah get in bed with Cass, hurry before he---" the door swung open and there stood a 6 foot 8 bloody drunk man my mother called her boyfriend.

"Didn't you hear me when I called you Cassandra?"

"Yeah, Yeah Anthony I did but I was tucking my babies ---"

"Babies, those girls are big enough to be called women, isn't that right Sarah?" he said walking over to her side of the bed.

"Get your hands off of me, and don't even think of putting your hands on my mother. Not tonight Anthony!!" Sarah said with a stone cold face.

"Yeah, Anthony. Lets just go in the room and talk. Okay baby." I looked back and forth and Anthony, Sarah and my mothers facial expressions. All were angry, drunken or scared faces and there I was confused and tired.

"Mom ... I manged to choke out ... I love you!" And at that moment my mother broke out in tears, followed my a thud.

"Is he dead?" Said sarah plain and simple.

"Get your trash bags and feel em up while we got time...." And with that we were out the house and on the road to Virginia.

[2 weeks later...]

"Stop moving Cassidy, I have to get your hair done."

"But mama it hurts why are you brushing so hard --- ouch ma."

"Sorry baby, when your sister gets back she can do it then." My mother said as we sat in the hotel room.

"Hello? ... A woman said knocking on the door ... Is anybody there please anybody?"

"Hi, may I help you?"

"we need you to get out the hotel, the building is on fire... please everyone is exiting now"

"Cassidy ... hurry mam I have another daughter in the building I have to find her!!" She said painiking and grabbing her chest as we ran out to the front of the building, with the rest of the groups of people.

"We will find her mam, either that or she's already in front ..please mam. Exit now!!"

"Okay ... Sarah? Sarah where are you?"

"Mama whats going on?"

"Come on Cassidy there's a fire."


"Sarah, can you go down to the front and get, ice, something to drink and some of those snacks they have down in the front office?" I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Sure, mom how long do we have to stay here?"

"As long as I say, now go."


"Hurry back, then we will leave. We have to be at your aunts house in two hours."

"Okay... be back when ever!!"

"Hi, and welcome to Shepards Inn ... im Carol, how may I help you?"

"I want to get Ice, some of those snacks, and --- ugh I forgot what else she said, does that phone over there connect to the rooms?

"Yes... just type in the room number."

"Okay, thanks" I walked over to the phone but my bladder got to me first,before I could reach the restroom two guys and a girl came running out of a door in which looked like the kitchen coughing un controbably.

"Hippies!!" I said shaking my head, after finishing my business, I noticed it had gotten hotter in the restroom and more foggy. I washed my hands and walked out only to be knocked out by a hot block of wood......

~*Cassidy's POV*~

"HOW ABOUT YOU GO IN THER AND FIND MY DAUGHTER, you're a fire man right---"

"but mam--"

"RIGHT .... Go, my baby is in there !!"

"Mam, if anybody else is in there they are probly burnt to pieces!"

"like hell they are ... what kind of fireman are you to give up, is it because im black---"

"I don't desreminat against your kind im just not going in there, its no point. Your child is gon, now if you could kindly lower your voice and not desturbe the peace---"

"my kind ... my kind, I just saw you nicely go save that womans dog. But my child is in ther and all you can do is strugg your damn shoulders."

"We found one more--" the other fire fighter yelled.

"mom, is sarah going to be okay?"

"I hope so, sit right here next to the truck. Im going to look over here."



"Was it that ladies kid?"

"yeah, the half breed kid ... we found her up under a pile of wood. She's already gone, so tell the wild hound we found her half beat." One fire man said to the other in an irritated tone.

"haha, half breed. Good one." The two laughed in unison then closed the truck.

"mama, mama they found her, she's in the truck." I yelled, the two firemen looked at me, in shock.

"you think She heard us?"

"Yeah, and we are half breed's were kids." I raised one eye brow and watched as one firefighter turned red in anger.


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