Chapter 9: Feel It In My Bones

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The week passed easy and she'd begun to notice that Cold Hammer didn't watch her so intently anymore. Not since the night she and Lohke had shown off their scars. She felt more accepted by those around her. They'd seen her badges of honor, they'd seen her brought into the pack of dire wolves as if she was one, and they'd learned of Everfen. Somewhere through that, she'd earned their respect. Possibly, begrudgingly, Cold Hammer's, too.

She no longer felt as reserved with Lohke, but free to ask him what was on her mind. "How long will it take to reach human country?" Something had changed between them all. They shared a story and a night that meant something to them.

"Another few weeks, I suspect. Perhaps longer if we have delays. Then we'll have to set about finding a human for you to go to."

"Go to?"

"Someone who can get you some place safe. Or guide us to a village where we can leave you. If I am going through all this shit to rescue you, save you, and come all the way out to human territory, then I'll be damned if I let some ill fate fall upon you because I left you alone on the edge of human territory instead of somewhere safer."

"I have often been told I am too stubborn to do something like die."

"Is that so?"

"Nukbrik said it to me many times."

"Why would he say that?"

"Because I didn't die all the times he tried to kill me."

Lohke frowned at her, "I wish you were joking."

"You know I am not."

He licked his lips thoughtfully before he said, "It does amaze me on some level you're not dead yet. By all accounts, you should be considering how many times in the past week you've challenged Cold Hammer. Not to mention you've done so knowing his reputation."

She glanced back at Cold Hammer in time to see him roll his eyes. She cast him a devilish grin that he ignored, "He doesn't scare me."

Cold Hammer answered, "He should scare you."

"I don't think she's afraid of any orc." Kitchka called.

"Stupidly so." Cold Hammer grumbled.

"You're not the only one with a reputation." Lebrik commented. They'd had one other run in with another village, leaving her outside of it so they could go in. There they'd inquired farther about Everfen and gotten more stories. She wasn't eager to share her fighting stories with them, but she didn't mind that they heard about them.

Erinne sighed, though, as they bantered back and forth from astride their dire wolves. Lohke, sitting behind her, leaned forward, "What's wrong?"

"I was afraid of one orc."


"No...Donrin." Saying his name made it all the more real in her mind and her voice shook. The past week had changed everything for her. She was on her way to safety with the humans, under Lohke's escort, but she already felt safe. Lohke was a respectable chieftain, and not only that, she'd learned he was the youngest Great Chieftain to ever exist.

It was obvious those that followed and supported him cherished him. All eight warriors that rode with them were prepared to do whatever he said at a moment's notice, not because he was their leader but because they absolutely respected him. They would die for him in a heartbeat. He was an orc of integrity and he inspired integrity in those around him. Some would call him charismatic, if that were a word orcs used.

He'd kept her from a terrible fate. She'd fought in fight rings, but somehow she wasn't so sure she would have survived the encounter with Donrin. Not mentally anyways. After everything she fought so hard for, that was the one thing she didn't think she would have come back from.

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