Chapter 31: You're Mine, I'm Yours

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Early morning light wafted through the front of her tent where she'd failed to tie it together last night. It wasn't her fault a dire wolf had been in the way. She smiled as she sat up and looked for the beasts and could immediately see three of them just outside of the door as it gently blew in the wind. To her surprise, however, Bukoo was among them.

As far as she knew, Cold Hammer hadn't been letting the injured wolf far from his sight, much like herself, and this was probably the first night the orc hadn't insisted on staying outside her tent during the night to make sure she remained safe. As if anyone would threaten her in the middle of Lohke's encampment, especially when the dire wolves had been sleeping around her tent for the entire week now.

"Bukoo." She called softly and saw his ears twitch before he lifted his head, almost lazily, and gazed at her. She patted the blanket inside her tent and he laid his ears flat and shook his tail as if to complain about moving, but the massive canine still crawled his way forward and nuzzled his way into her tent. He dropped his head on her knee, tail wagging slowly. "Fierce warrior." She kissed his nose, stretching out her arms and legs before she settled back in.

She'd spent the whole day with Cold Hammer yesterday. They'd been in the woods for so long it was surprising no one came to look for them considering they were both still recovering. She had to give Khash's potions credit, they'd increased her healing rate exponentially and probably saved her life.

"Did Cold Hammer send you to me?" She asked the dire wolf and he lifted his head as if to say yes before he rose and headed out the tent. He paused and looked back for her as the other dire wolves slowly woke. She took the hint the beast was trying to give her and threw on her new clothes, strapped on her sword, and left the tent behind, one person on her mind.

They'd acted in love yesterday, but today her mind danced with questions. How did this work? Did they get married in human tradition with a ceremony? Did they do it the orcish way? She had a feeling Cold Hammer would reject any human traditions.

How would the others react?

It didn't matter. She loved him and he'd already told her he would have only one mate and they'd made their love official yesterday. There was no going back. Not now, not ever.

The dire wolves that slept outside her tent departed as she walked through the tents, but Bukoo remained at her side, all the way to Cold Hammer's place. It wasn't far, but being separated from the one she loved was bad enough, being this far made it worse. Her heart ached for him and as she reached his tent, Bukoo pushed his way through unceremoniously and she caught sight of him through the open flap. It barely had time to swish closed before Cold Hammer pushed it open and an uncharacteristic smile warmed his face as he pulled her inside.

"Good morning," he murmured as his lips descended on hers. She was nearly taken aback by the pure sincerity in his embrace, but as she leaned into him, she felt at peace here. When he broke the kiss, he pressed his forehead to hers, "I don't like you sleeping away from me."

"I don't think it would be a good idea for us to share a tent until we figure out how to proceed."

"You're mine. I'm yours. The humans can go fuck their selves."

"Cold Hammer." She nudged his arm. He grinned without remorse. They'd briefly discussed it yesterday. The possibilities and how both orcs and humans might react. With the treaty so close to being official, she thought it might be best to wait so they didn't unsettle it. "Did you put Bukoo outside my tent last night?"

"I would have had him there every night since we brought you back, but he was injured and I was there in his stead. As were the other dire wolves." He stated and she lifted an eyebrow so he said, "I need to know you're safe. After the raiders..." He looked away from her but she caught the flicker of rage in his eyes. "I will never forgive them."

"They're dead. It doesn't matter anymore."

"It will always matter." 

"You can forgive yourself, you know? They nearly killed you, too."

He grumbled under his breath and she doubted he would ever agree, but she knew time healed most wounds and this one would fade with time, especially with the treaty. Had the spear in his shoulder landed a little more to the side, it would've pierced vital organs, he would have died.

"If I was dead, I'd have an excuse for letting them drag you away." He countered and she scoffed but he added, "I watched them drag you for a hundred yards and out of my sight while they were laughing."

"And I watched them put a spear through you and Bukoo." She patted the dire wolf's head as she leaned away from Cold Hammer. "We're warriors. We're bound to face death again."

"Not with the peace treaty."

She opened her mouth and then paused, frowning. Did he just say with peace? She cocked her head to the side, a smile starting to light her face. "Are you want peace?"

"If it keeps you safe? Yes." His hands pulled her closer again, resting on her hips. "It is my vow to you, Sheobulf, that I will do my best to keep all harm away from you." He turned away and lifted something from the floor and open a small pack and held something out to her. "You don't have tusks, but this is the traditional orc tusk ring."

She blinked and looked up at him, tears starting to fill her eyes, "I thought we were going to wait to tell the others?"

"Hide it if you want, but I want you to have it now."

She swallowed, her heart brimming with joy as she took it, rolling it over in her hands, examining every inch of it. It stretched almost the length of her palm. It was too big to be a ring for her hand, though. "Where did you even get this?"

"I've carried this with me for years." He pulled out a second one. "These were some of the few things I was able to scavenge off my parents' bodies when they passed." She felt her spine stiffen and she looked up at him. She'd never heard him speak much of family. "They died in a fire, Sheobulf. There was little to save from the house or from them, but somehow these two pieces made it through. It would be my honor if you allowed us to use these for our—"

"Yes!" She interrupted him, "Yes, of course!" She hugged him close and then pulled away, inspecting both of them. It clearly meant a lot to him, especially if he'd been carrying them around for years, waiting for the right mate. She didn't understand how he'd accepted her into his heart and that the mate he chose to share these with was a human.

They were both circular and silver with small engravings to decorate them. Nothing fancy, just for beauty, and they were beautiful. The ringlets were at least three fingers wide. "A little heat and we could widen this until it fits your arm." His finger traced along her elbow. "It wouldn't harm it. My father was a blacksmith, I know how."

"He was?" SHe looked up at him.

He dipped his head, "Why do you think I've carried the same war hammer for all these years? My father's methods were infallible, his weapons nearly indestructible. This war hammer? It'll never shatter in battle, never fail me."

"Is it acceptable to wear it as an arm ring?"

"Better than me piercing your lip with it so that it's on your face." He kissed the corner of her mouth and slid his onto his left tusk. She felt her stomach spinning around, her heart skipping, as she tossed back her hair and looked up at him, clutching her fingers around her ring.

"You know, most of the camp is still sleeping. Let's skip our morning walk and stay here." She indicated the bed at his feet and his eyes lit up. He sent Bukoo out to guard the door and before she could blink they were stretched out across the blankets on the floor of his tent, chuckling and trying to be quiet as the entire camp of humans and orcs slowly awoke and came to life.

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