CHAPTER 18: Shall We Begin?

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Despite Cold Hammer's goading her into a show of pride and honor, Erinne slept restlessly. Every time an orc walked close, she woke, tensed in case it was Nukbrik. She didn't think he would come to this gathering of orcs, but her mind couldn't keep him out of her head. By the time the first hints of light gathered in the sky, she pushed off and left her tent. She couldn't stay trapped inside it's canvas walls any longer, she couldn't sit still.

It wasn't just the idea of Nukbrik coming that had her unsettled, it was the prospect of a peace treaty, it was the warriors that surrounded her as they demanded Lohke take her head and leave the humans as they were. Cold Hammer was right, peace wouldn't come easy.

As she stepped into the night, however, she was surprised to find Cold Hammer standing nearby, his back placed against the nearest tree, Bukoo curled up on his feet. The black wolf was a dark spot in the limited light, hard to make out, but nothing else would be so close to that warrior. Cold Hammer intimidated them all.

She'd witnessed it almost all evening. Only a sparse few dared to speak to him without first addressing him as respectfully and warily as a lamb greeted a lion. Even some of the chieftains waited for him to speak to them first before speaking to him. She noted that the orcs that seemed unafraid greeted him as a veteran with murmurs about old times, old wars, and Lohke's father. These were the ones that had fought in the first war between orcs and humans, that had known him since before he was the battle hardened 'Cold Hammer.'

"Morning." She said softly but with a deep frown as Bukoo lifted his large head.

He tipped his chin forward, "Not quite yet."

"Did you stay out here all night?" She glanced around. "You have a tent."

"Lohke was busy but we both agreed there's too many orcs here that are too opposed to our peace treaty."

"You thought I needed protection."

"You did."

She didn't mind the lookout, but she was still confused, "Why didn't you just bring your tent a little closer and sleep inside of it instead of against the tree?"

He smirked, "I didn't sleep."

She would have scoffed but she believed him. "Go sleep now. I'll be fine."

He shook his head as Bukoo stretched and walked to her, rubbing his body along the length of her and cirling back around her, nudging her leg with his snout. She scratched him behind his ears as Cold Hammer said, "I wouldn't risk leaving you alone for your morning walk. Besides, we're getting accustomed to it, I'm afraid it's a habit for Bukoo now and he'll nag me if we don't go with you."

She smiled and then tried to hide it, pressing her lips together as Bukoo trotted towards the edges of camp. Cold Hammer motioned after the wolf in indication and she didn't say anything, just followed after the beast, weaving between tents that had sprung up overnight. There were far more than there had been beforehand, a chorus of snores still all around in the pale dawn. All the while, the soft sound of Cold Hammer following behind her and the sight of Bukoo just ahead of her.

It took a lengthy walk to get them out of the camp where they could find a calm spot to watch the sun rise. By then, Bukoo was dashing ahead and running back for them. He found a boulder to leap onto where she eventually sat and he curled around her, gnawing on Cold Hammer's arm in a show of affection as they watched the morning come to life.

. . . .

Erinne struggled to create a letter for Lohke with the paper and ink he managed to provide. Where he came by the stuff she had no idea, and how to write one was almost just as clueless. It'd been years since she'd touched a quill, let alone written. As a lady of a manor, young or not, she was taught the written words, but the years had been long.

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