Chapter 2: My Slave, My Choice

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Erinne reached for the apple only to snatch her hand back when a sword came down in front of it. "Keep your filthy hands off my fruit." She lifted her gaze to the orc that was glaring at her.

"I was going to buy it." She stated indignantly.

"If you're hungry, tell your master. When my father worked the stand, maybe he sold to you, but I do not, so don't expect anything here next time you're in our village." He pulled the sword back and she stared at him in dismay. She was tempted to argue, but it rarely did her any good.

She glanced over her shoulder, Nukbrik was nowhere in sight but an argument could bring about another lashing or worse. She could hardly move as it was. She huffed but turned away from the vendor and spotted one of Nukbrik's clansmen, Ghresh. He was watching her, but he never stepped forward to help her if anyone got rough with her or refused to sell to her.

Still, there were other people here who would sell to her so she moved on without a word. While Nukbrik visited the smithy to see about a new weapon, she was supposed to be buying things he needed. She was surprised he'd given her permission to buy an apple this week. Usually when he was mad at her he wouldn't allow her to.

"Hepnah," she heard a deep voice call and then a hand touched her shoulder. She stopped and turned, a large orc warrior beside her with an apple in his hand. She frowned as she looked up at him. He'd used the orc word for human to call her. She didn't recognize him, but this orc town was a crossroads for trade. Orcs from many clans passed through her, trading indiscriminately with each other.

"Can I help you, Gru?" She kept her eyes down.

"I certainly hope so." He offered her the apple and she frowned, glancing into his eyes and then back down. The way he was looking at her was a little unsettling. "It's for you. Eat it." He didn't sound demanding, though there was a bit of a command in his tone.

"I cannot accept your charity, Gru."

He laughed and she met his gaze again, confused, and he poked her collar with one finger, "Who is your master?" Alarm ticked through her. Many orcs knew who she was because of her time in Everfen. Stories of their fighting human traveled far and wide, some orcs came to the fights just to see her now. If he was asking, he didn't know who she was, but his eyes glowed with excitement and curiosity. She didn't like it.

"If you're here to ask my master for a price, I'm not for sale."

"I don't need to take you home. I just need you for a few minutes." He touched her cheek lightly and she pulled back and bumped right into Ghresh. He stuck his arm in front of her, barring the orc from reaching her again. He didn't waste a second, "Is this your slave, Gru?"

Ghresh moved in front of her, "No, Gru, she belongs to my chieftain."

"Which chief is that and how do I find him?"

"Are you inquiring for a purchase? If you are, she's not for sale unless you have a better slave to offer in her place. I have high doubts on that front."

"I have little desire for a slave of my own. I had something else in mind. Who is your chieftain?"

"Nukbrik of the Bloodfang Clan."

"Thank you." He walked away and she frowned after him before turning to Ghresh. She didn't say anything but he motioned her away so she went in the direction he indicated, towards Nukbrik's dire wolf.

"Did you buy everything you were sent for?"

"Yes, Gru."

"Good. Sit here and don't make trouble."

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