Chapter 66: Thunderfall

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The trip to Thunderfall took less than a week by air. It was easier riding on the back of the gryphon than a horse whose every step made her bones grind into each other, but it still took a lot of energy that she wasn't prepared to expend, using muscles to stay on that made new parts of her body ache. She slept terribly on the ground when they landed and grew more pained each day of travel.

She couldn't even admire the city as it finally came into sight. She'd always wanted to see Thunderfall, but not like this. Not at the expense of her family and body, not under duress. As they circled the city and made the descent, she heard Andol calling out to Cold Hammer, pointing out the castle far below as she leaned over Eeker's neck and thanked the ancestors that she was finally done with this journey.

She watched in silence as they drew closer to a tower that stood far above the rest with pale white walls and a gold colored roof. Even the shutters had the golden color and the sunlight caught it beautifully. She would've enjoyed it so much more had she been less miserable.

The birds circled around the tower and she noticed an uncovered walkway from the tower to the castle. As they came in to land, she clung a little tighter to Eeker's feathers and the bird landed gently, lifting her feet high to make the landing smoother. As she came to a stop, she stretched out her wings and Erinne sighed. Finally here.

The bird turned her head, looking back at Erinne and she swore there was concern in her eyes as she tucked her feet in and laid down, carefully moving her wing aside. "Thank you, Eeker." She slid off her back slowly and sank her hands into the feathers, scratching. The bird stretched her neck and nuzzled Erinne as tenderly as a mother with a child and she swore she knew Erinne needed the support as her body cried out in protest.

Pain throbbed through every inch of her, especially her back and hips. She still wanted to cry from it and felt a looming presence behind her and closed her eyes, leaning into Eeker as Cold Hammer helped Andol off of the gryphon's back before he took her shoulders. "Let me help you walk." There was a strange tightness to his voice that had lingered for days, but now that they were here it seemed more pronounced. She'd never known this orc to be anxious or nervous but she was certain that's what was wrong.

She didn't complain, but stepped away from the gryphon who rose and walked across the tower's walkway to a young boy who was gathering the gryphons and leading them inside. She would've liked to study the place where they kept them, but she was too exhausted to contemplate extra walking.

Captain Lenns motioned to a door on the opposite side of the walkway, "This way to enter the castle, milady."

"This is it." Cold Hammer said.

"So it is." She could feel tingles shooting through her feet and legs. Her ankles barely bent now they were so swollen and she had to wonder if her shoes would even come off at this point. "Carry me?"

"If you're serious I will."

She laughed, "I'm joking. Sort of."

"My offer stands." He kissed her cheek before he straightened his back and took Andol's hand. "Stay close, don't wander."

"Because the humans might not be nice?"

Erinne didn't quite have the energy to curl her lip at those words and shot her mate a hard glare. Cold Hammer shrugged and she said, "What exactly have you been saying to our son?"

"He needs to know, Erinne, humans aren't always-"

"Neither are orcs." She hissed.

"Fine. You give him the orcs aren't nice speech when we go back." He turned his head away from her sharply, indicating he was done with the argument. Not wanting to follow through on it when her body was tight with pain and exhaustion, she let it go. For now.

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