Chapter 96: Seeking Forgiveness

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Erinne watched through hooded eyes as Cold Hammer moved stiffly around Lohke. They worked together to set up the new camp, but they were not at ease. They hadn't spoken much to each other today, nor had she spoken to Lohke. He had a stoic presence around him that hadn't been there before, but she suspected most of it was because of the anger Cold Hammer had for him. His closest friend in life was now at odds with him.

Shoulders sagging towards the ground, she gripped Lothar's reins tighter and continued away from where they'd be sleeping and towards the nearby creek. The dire wolves were already down there, sniffing around, lapping at the water. There was barely a trickle here, but it did flow. She knew this creek. She knew eventually it met up with the larger one that ran past the village of the Killerfrosts, the same creek that went past her home. This was only a small branch of it, but as she led her horse to it, she couldn't help but think about how it led back home.

"Here, Lothar," she paused next to it but he was already lowering his head to drink in the cool water. She stood there with him for a while, a gentle breeze swaying through the trees. Even after he ceased to drink, she couldn't pry herself from the spot to return to a camp of desolation. She knew her stubborn mate. He would hold onto his rage towards Lohke because it was easier than grief, but what about Lohke? He was tense, not his usual agreeable self.

Then there was the matter of him questioning her loyalty. She wasn't nearly as hurt as Cold Hammer had been about it. She thought he was going to take Lohke's head off in that moment as they both spoke about doubts within each other. She closed her eyes and tipped her head back, inhaling the forest. It was better than the city she'd lived in for months now. She could feel the quiet pressing in on her soul and it was good. For the first time in months, she felt like she could hear herself think.

Until Lothar's hoofs crunched on the leaves, disrupting her peace. She started to smile as she lowered her chin and opened her eyes, and then flinched as a hand touched her shoulder. Erinne whirled, her heart leaping as her body moved to action, but as she twisted, she came face to face with Lohke and she slowed.

He held up his hands immediately to show he meant no harm, his brow creasing, "I called your name several times."

"Oh...sorry," she released a deep breath that stretched out of her lungs until they were void of air. He was still massive. He always dwarfed her in size. His body was wider than hers, taller, he filled the space around him. The war paint that marked him was starting to fade off him now, but it still lingered, harsh red against the dying light and the tawny brown of his skin. As he continued standing there, it occurred to her that he wasn't just here to call out her name and startle her. "Did you need something?"

His tongue flicked out to press against one of his tusks as he considered her question before speaking, "I was trying to figure out what to say to you, but I feel for the first time since I've known you, I have no words." He stepped past her and rinsed his hands in the water and she watched him but said nothing. His palms gathered water and then splashed it up his arms, he began rubbing some of the war paint away. "I'm sorry for the accusations."

She gave a short sigh, glancing towards camp, before she moved to his side, sitting on a rock next to the water. "I do my job, you do yours. I won't say it didn't hurt me, are a war chieftain now. And you do know I have been supplying Wren with information." She turned her head downwards, lifting her shoulders slightly before they sagged again.

He snorted, "I have always told you to do your duties to the humans. I still don't hold that against you. Cold Hammer is less forgiving."

"I noticed," she murmured, staring at the leaves now.

"Do you also blame me?"

"For what?"

"For staying with him when I freed him from the slavers and not going to find your son?"

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