Chapter 17: Show Me Your Pride

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Lohke sat around a fire the next night with many orcs. The moment the humans were gone he'd sent out messages as quickly as possible. The nearest clan shaman's were instructed to get the word to the others with their shamanic magic, to spread the word to the entirety of the orc population. He wanted no stone left unturned. He wanted everyone to know: peace with humans was coming, it was inevitable, and they were to retreat into orc territory until further notice.

Lohke was not without wisdom, however, also instructing several war bands to be prepared in case the humans were setting up a trap. He was prepared for battle, but he hoped for peace. As orc after orc arrived to either support him or oppose him, she found herself standing closer and closer to him and Cold Hammer. All of these orcs made her nervous, especially the ones that cast heavy glares at her, as if she were the very human they hated most.

"This is the biggest meeting of chieftains in decades." She almost flinched when Cold Hammer suddenly spoke in her ear. She looked up at him but his eyes were on the others. Lohke had stepped closer to the fire as he listened to one of the chieftains concerns in regards to peace with the humans.


He dipped his head once. "I haven't seen a gathering with this many chieftains since the first war I fought in and more are coming. We didn't expect them to come here for the treaty."

A spout of yelling erupted around the fire and she glanced their way before looking back at Cold Hammer, "They came to oppose it. Many of them are not happy."

"None of us are happy with war, and peace is never easy, but they will obey their chieftain. Listen to their concerns, they're not challenging Lohke, just his ideas."

"Do chieftains challenge their great chief at gatherings like this?"

"Sometimes. The dispute has to be backed by three other chieftains of senior status."

A senior chieftain was one that had held role as chieftain for at least twenty years. Nukbrik was one. She faced the group again, watching silently, wondering if Nukbrik had heard the news yet, wondering if he'd come. After Lohke had broken his bones as comeuppance for breaking the law, she didn't know if he would. At a gathering like this, he could have a chance to oppose Lohke.

She didn't think the coward would come face Lohke again, though, or at least she hoped he wouldn't. The thought of seeing him again put a cold pit in her gut that left her more nervous than before. It only got worse.

Despite the night, orcs were still pouring into their encampment, coming to find Lohke with their chieftain, and the weight of their glares were baring down on her as they arrived. Some openly threatened her despite Lohke's warnings for them to leave her be and she was no longer certain of her own safety, especially as the second of Watucik lunged at her just for daring to stand near his Great Chieftain.

She didn't even have to move away as Cold Hammer blocked his path and Lohke's band of followers, including the Free Roamers that had joined them, flanked her. Still, she was rattled as they backed down and walked away and Cold Hammer moved in closer to her.

"I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight." She muttered and sat on a log just over Lohke's shoulder, Cold Hammer hovering over her.

"If orcs keep coming in at all hours to berate Lohke, none of us will be sleeping."

She looked out at the gathered orcs and frowned, "You're right, there's more now." He followed her indication as a chieftain made his way forward. He was older than the rest, graying streaking through his red beard and the braids upon his head. He was painted to show his prominence, battles across his chest and arms. "Is that war paint?"

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