Chapter 10: Between Us and Humans

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They were sitting at the fire when Erinne noticed one of the dire wolves prick their ears and listen to something in the woods. They were on a well-worn path, one that many orcs must've frequented, but there were still many creatures out here. After several seconds the animal relaxed, though it's ears remained pricked.

She might have pondered it more but none of the others pricked their ears or raised their heads to look so she turned back to the fire. They had a pot above it, smoldering stew inside with a massive chunk of meat above. Orcs often ate their meat raw, but since her arrival they had cooked all their meat each night. She didn't know if it was for her sake or if this was how they always did it, but she appreciated cooked meat.

She just finished her last bite and was leaning forward to cut more meat off the haunch when she heard Ghorg say, "Look at the sheobulf, maybe she will grow bigger if she eats more."

His fraternal twin, Ghaug, snorted and laughed. "Humans do not grow as big as we do."

"Maybe she is not done growing yet." He mentioned and as her slab of meat fell onto her plate, she looked their way with disapproval. Ghaug drew back but Ghorg saw it as an opportunity. "Human, how big will you grow?"

Across the fire, Chigun said, "I am certain her brain is already bigger than yours."

"Maybe I'll eat it then and be smarter."

Erinne cocked her head to the side, "No amount of brains would make you smarter, Ghorg."

He lifted both eyebrows and then laughed. "The little sheobulf makes a joke!" He continued to laugh so she started eating, watching him with light amusement. Each night she spent with them, they talked to her more and more. She was beginning to feel rather comfortable herself. None of them were like the orcs she was accustomed to.

When she was Nukbrik's slave, his entire clan treated her as such. The only time she'd experienced orcs of a different nature were when they went to the orc village nearby. Since there was so much trade, there were orcs from many clans. Some didn't treat her with the same distaste and cruelty that the Bloodfang clan did. The War Mongers were a different story. They were downright wicked and she was certain, despite how much she entertained them at the Everfen fights, they would slit her throat if Nukbrik wasn't looking.

Ghorg was still laughing when she noticed one of the dire wolves lift its head. The one that had its ears pricked opened its eyes and she frowned. Everyone was still talking and chatting and she followed the gaze of the dire wolf as the others all picked their heads up and the fur rose on their backs.

"Lookout!" She'd barely gotten the words of warning out of her mouth when a massive hand wrapped around her center and yanked her backwards.

"Move!" Cold Hammer shouted at the others as arrows rained down on them, including where she'd just been sitting. He set her on her feet next to him and swung his hammer off his back, holding it with both hands.

She saw an arrow land in Ghaug's shoulder but it didn't even phase him as they all scrambled out of reach, grabbing their weapons. The dire wolves were already gone, snarling and growling in the trees. She heard one of them yelp and worry grated against her for the poor beast before shouting came from the forest around them.

She wheeled, spying cloaked figures riding in on horseback from behind them. The orcs roared battled cries and charged. She had no weapon, nothing but her wits to defend herself and that was fine since she was often thrown into a fighter's circle without armor or weapon. Something inside of her came to life, that voice inside of her that kept whispering for her to go on, to keep fighting.

It shot through her with a thrill and she ducked under a sword that was thrust her way and snatched a rock from the earth, rolling out of reach of the horse and rider. She whirled, throwing it at his back and turning again. She looked around, her eyes zoning in on a weapon beside one of the orc tents and she ran for it, grabbing the spear and raising it. She found a target and threw, hitting his leg and he screamed as he tumbled off his horse.

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