Chapter 23: One More Condition

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Erinne was back in the tent with Wren and Lohke, concluding their meeting. She was getting antsy. Despite the way he'd ruffled her feathers last night, she'd spent the morning with Cold Hammer. He'd been quiet and she didn't push him to speak. They'd sat in silence, petting Bukoo while he stood in between them. He seemed more alert than usual, possibly searching for another terabu and the excitement that hunt had brought them.

Wren's voice drew her out of her thoughts, "Thank you, Lohke." He scribbled something down on his parchment as Lohke conceded some land to him and they marked it on the map. Lohke wrote on a separate parchment in orcish. Both leaders would have a copy of the treaty in their languages.

Wren sat back, dipping his quill in the ink before he said, "I do have one more condition, and another matter I'd like to discuss."


"I want to make it clear that all humans remain as mine, under my leadership and rule. Whether they are in your territory or mine. If they have a fault, you will bring them to me for punishment and compensation will be given for any damage that has been done. This extends to Erinne." She turned her head to face him as he said that, frowning but not speaking.

"You suspect Erinne will break laws?" Lohke chuckled.

"No," he laughed, too, "but I do think it appropriate that we are responsible for our own to keep any animosity from rebuilding itself."

"Agreed, bring me any orcs that do harm and we will make up for it, I will bring you humans."

"In that regard, I would like to discuss an important topic." Wren pressed his lips together and she and Lohke looked at him questioningly. When he paused too long, she raised her eyebrows and he finally continued, "I think Erinne deserves some compensation for the years she lost in servitude."

"That's not-" Wren cut her a sharp look as she tried to speak and she faltered, not sure what to do or say.

Lohke sat back now, also setting his quill aside. "The orc that held her was punished with broken bones."

Wren shook his head, "That's not enough. In the years away, her estate fell to ruin. We believed her entire family gone, including her, so the funds were released to the treasury. Any dowry she would have had is long gone as well and we'll need a dowry to encourage anyone to marry her."

Erinne sputtered, heat flooding her cheeks, "Excuse me?"

"You need a dowry, they should give you some sort of compensation."

"No, they shouldn't, and no I don't."

"Erinne, this is the way our world works. When you marry, your dowry helps to pay for the family and the wedding."

She snorted, "I'm not marrying anyone." Not anytime soon, at least.

"That's what we do. That's what everyone does. Even orcs." He motioned to Lohke.

"I'm not taking money from Lohke."

"No," Lohke interjected, "it's fine. I can gather the coin."

"Lohke, I don't want your money."

"It's for your future."

"The crown can give me back the money that belongs to me."

Wren sputtered, "This is non-negotiable. You deserve-"

"I'm not taking money from the orc that saved my life!" Her voice rose all too high and Wren shot to his feet.

"It's not your decision!" His voice rose and that strange light entered his eyes, the one that showed the beast she swore lived inside him. There was a darkness there and as it flared, she would've stepped away from him but she was sitting. "Just like it wasn't your decision to be taken, to be kept from your family lands, away from your own race. Beaten, abused, touched, imprisoned by your captors. If you expect to live at all in the human world, you'll need this to get a start in your life. You deserve it, and Lohke agrees. We've both agreed to compensate each other for losses or conflicts."

By the end of it his voice was calmer than when he'd started, but she wasn't. She was writhing on the inside. Just a few months ago she would've argued endlessly, but Lohke had taught her a great deal of patience and how to rationalize with her words. She was so furious right now she couldn't quite form words, not even in her mind.

If he was trying to piss her off, this was the way to go. Her heart was thumping a rapid pace inside her chest, the way he stood over her all too similar to an orc she once knew, domineering her paths, her decisions, the very way she lived. She didn't want Lohke's money. He'd saved her life, he shouldn't have to compensate her for the time lost with orcs.

When she didn't speak, Wren did, "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

She curled her lip and shoved to her feet. Lohke rose with her, laying a hand on her arm. His eyes flashed with alarm and worry, warning her from attacking her king. At least all her fights with Cold Hammer had started teaching her restraint, she'd learned to live with Cold Hammer, befriended him, maybe she could do the same here, but she was furious.

The tiny tent was starting to feel like it was suffocating her. The canvas walls were folding in on her. She felt restrained, held down. Images flashed in her mind of Nukbrik forcing her will to bend to his, taking over everything she did. If it wasn't for her time with Lohke and Cold Hammer, learning not to be so brash, she would've resorted back to her anger and charged Wren, king, friend, whatever. She had been raised like an animal for too long and the world was closing in around her.

If I don't get out of here I'm going to snap. Attacking her king was a crime. Treason. She could be sentenced to death. I have to go now.

"Do whatever you want. I guess it's your decision." She hissed and wrenched her arm from Lohke's grasp. She was out of the tent before either could stop her. If they tried she'd turn on them. She could feel it in her bones. Her rage was clouding her judgment. Just go.

They were quick to follow her out, but she spotted Lothar whom she'd ridden here today and she vaulted onto his back. They were both calling her name and she twisted to glare at them, "I have nothing to say to you right now." She turned Lothar and kicked him into a gallop.

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