Chapter 73: Trouble

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They didn't get the chance to leave before night fell, but Erinne didn't disagree with Cold Hammer. In fact, she was a little taken with his show of dominance and his insistence that Wren quit guilt tripping her into obeying him. Especially while she was with child and had a young son to take care of. He was right, it was time to leave and the sun was beginning to rise, shining into the room around the edges of the curtains.

She hated to leave the warmth of the bed, but she rose slow these days, clambering and maneuvering awkwardly on the bed. She was sore, always so, but now she had to contend with having been thrown around by the cursed orc. Her husband was right, he could have lost her and Andol yesterday when that monster found them in the castle.

She had her feet on the ground but had yet to stand when she felt his hand brush down her spine. "Is it morning already?"

"It is," she closed her eyes, savoring his touch. He'd held her close last night, as if afraid to let her go and he'd woken a lot, rising to check on Andol and returning to the bed. The fiercest warrior ever born, worried all night long over the safety of his family. "You are a treasure, you know that?" She turned her head to smile at him.

"What?" Sleep still tinged his voice with a huskiness that she found adorable when it was paired with such a drowsy, half given grin. He looked confused and she leaned back and pressed her lips to his cheek.

"I love you, Cold Hammer. I'm ready to go home."

His eyes opened wider and he nodded, rising immediately and she watched him dress before he brought her travel clothes directly to her. She finally managed to rise to her own feet so she could properly fasten them before making her way towards her son. She wondered if they should have pulled the cushioned couch closer to the bed so Cold Hammer could sleep better, with their son closer and within reach. She sat down on the edge and stroked her hand through his dark hair. Orc hair was courser than human hair and while as a babe he'd had smoother locks, they were beginning to thicken, just like his tusks.

She set her free hand on her belly, wondering what their next baby would look like. Would he or she favor Cold Hammer? Her? Both? She sighed and looked up to see Cold Hammer watching from beside the bed, a warm expression on his face.

"Wake up, my love," she continued stroking her fingers through his hair as Andol slowly stirred, blinking up at her, but her son was not as slow as she was in the morning, nor did he lazy about. One blink and he shot upright.

"Mama, I'm hungry! Are we leaving now?"

"Soon." She produced an apple and held it out to him. "Little bites, son, don't choke." He snatched it with a grin and shot out of bed. Andol threw open the curtains and she looked out at the rising sun, wishing she were home and watching it rise the way she and Cold Hammer liked to do. "Alright, up then." She muttered to herself and pushed back to her feet and started gathering her belongings while Andol crawled over the bed and spoke to his father.

They were nearly finished when a knock sounded on the door and she heard Cold Hammer growl. She gave him a silent warning look before making her way towards it. He was growling and it could simply be a servant.

As it were, she opened the door to find a young warlock standing there, a sad smile on his face, "Sorry if I come too early, Erinne, I didn't want to miss you."

"Khash, you know I would not leave without telling you goodbye. Wren is another account." She motioned him through the door, leaving it open. They wouldn't be here much longer anyways.

"Mama, mama!"

"Shh," she shushed Andol as he ran her way, "Go back to the bed. Eat your apple."

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