Chapter 51: Three Days

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Erinne inhaled as she opened her eyes to brightness and not the foggy darkness she'd been walking through with Lohke's father a moment ago. It was all too bright, and she squinted, vision blurred. The light stung her eyes like hot knives, but she kept them open, strainging to see the figure at the foot of her bed. As her vision cleared minimally, she saw that Duran still lingered, long braided hair, tribal markings on his body. His head was turned and a soft smile was on his face.

She followed his gaze and saw what he was looking at: the two orcs she loved most in the world. The same two he also loved. Cold Hammer had an iron grip on her hand with both of his, encompassing the entirety of her hand in his as his head bowed over it. Next to him, the only orc that could match Duran for sheer size, Lohke was leaning into Cold Hammer, his head pressed against his shoulder. They looked like a pair of weary brothers, and that's exactly what they were, leaning on each other for emotional support, their souls forever bound together.

It looked like Cold Hammer was praying but Lohke's father had said his faith was growing weaker with each passing moment. For now, they were both silent as the night, only the rise and fall of their chests showing that they weren't statues. Movement caught her eye and she gazed back towards Duran, but the image of the orc at the foot of her bed was fading out as he gave the pair a salute, fist against his chest. Looking at them with fondness as he faded away, she smiled at him and swore he smiled back before he disappeared entirely.

Erinne swallowed and squeezed Cold Hammer's hand. The moment she did, he jerked his head up and his eyes went wide. Lohke felt him move and lifted his head slower, but the moment he laid eyes on her, he mirrored Cold Hammer's expression, wide eyed and relieved, yet they didn't look like they quite believed that she was awake.

"Erinne?" Cold Hammer's voice was raspy and used, like he'd been screaming for days.

Weakness spread throughout her body and the more alert she became, the more she wanted to go to sleep. Her entire body argued at the idea of moving, even shifting her weight. Her breaths were shallow, but still she held onto Cold Hammer's hand wrapped around hers and somehow she found the will to speak, "I am not leaving you."

Tears filled his eyes, but he didn't cry and Lohke leaned in closer, stroking her hair gently. He didn't say a word, but she saw the relief in his eyes, saw the tension leaving his body. Cold Hammer's voice shook as he spoke, "They said if you didn't wake up soon you never would."

"The ancestors heard your prayers." She stated, voice hoarse, it was surprisingly painful to speak. She felt thirsty for days, she could drink an entire river. She didn't stop to ask him for water, though, she just gazed up at him, love filling her heart, and she felt, in that moment, she'd truly forgiven him for the past. Nothing mattered past the love she felt at being with him, having him here when she woke up, seeing and feeling his relief. Having their best friend next to them, supporting them, holding both their hands. "Duran says he is proud to be your friend and your father. He misses you both."

Their eyes went wide and they looked at each other before facing her again. Slowly, Lohke said, "You...spoke to my father?"

"I see where you get your absolute sense of friendship from now." She smiled then frowned and looked at Cold Hammer, "But I have to ask why your oldest friend called you the orneriest orc ever born."

Cold Hammer laughed and smiled, "You really did speak to that devious bastard." He leaned forward and kissed her and she sighed, relaxing into her pillow as he did so. "Lohke, can you get the shaman?"

"Of course, borbol," Lohke rose and she grabbed his hand. He paused and looked down at her.

"Thank you, for staying with us." She whispered. He smiled and nodded and left quickly. In his absence, she looked to Cold Hammer. He looked thinner, weaker somehow, like he hadn't been eating a single bite. "How long was I gone?"

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