Chapter 15: Truly Their Friend

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Erinne didn't say anything when Cold Hammer subtly passed her a piece of his bread. Dried meat for traveling was growing dull on her taste buds. The honey had been a pleasant change, but that had been a week ago. Yesterday they'd found another orc village, leaving her outside of it and out of sight yet again, but the food they brought out of town was worth the wait. They'd had a small feast last night that put them all in a deep sleep until after the sun was up. She'd actually missed out on watching it rise.

She gave Cold Hammer a nod to let him know she appreciated the bread and faced forward again, stuffing a piece in her mouth. She just chomped down when Lohke twisted around on his dire wolf, Sheshal, and looked at her. "See the hill where the trees are starting to break and thin out?"

She swallowed down the bread, "Yes?" She nodded to where he pointed. "The boulders kind of look like a face."

He chuckled, "Yes, they do. That hill marks the start of human territory."

"Really?" She turned to look at him, but at the same time, her heart filled with dismay. She'd dreamt of little else save for one day being back in human territory, but why did it make her heart ache so much? She glanced at Cold Hammer, thinking of the morning sun. He joined her almost every day now to watch it rise, Bukoo nuzzling against her while Cold Hammer called him a traitor for choosing her affection over his.

"Ready to go home, little human?" Cold Hammer spoke up. He'd ridden his wolf to the other side of Lohke.

She had to fight to keep from crinkling her nose. "I...guess so? I mean, I don't really have a home there, do I? It just feels...strange." She had to fight not to shiver involuntarily. Each day with Lohke's band had left her with a little less fear, but today it threatened her, looming over her head like a dark cloud. Did she even know how to be human anymore? She could barely remember the human language.

"You will find your way. I have no doubt." Lohke told her. "You're strong. Besides, if we can negotiate a peace, we will see each other again."

"Yes, we will." That thought eased the ache in her heart a little, but she was still on edge. It had been so long since she had been around a human, not counting the few slaves she encountered with the orcs. She'd been taken as a child. She came back to them a grown woman, well versed in the ways of orcs, not man.

"You'll learn, Sheobulf."

She frowned and lifted her head at Cold Hammer's softly spoken words. He'd fallen back to her side. "You read my mind."

He smirked, "You've been away from them a long time, it's okay to be nervous."

Those were kind words coming from him. "I feel like there is little I know of humans. I was so young when I left."

He looked prepared to say more when the dire wolves pricked their ears and lifted their heads higher. She turned immediately and Cold Hammer was already reaching for his weapon as Vustig said, "Something's up ahead."

One of the wolves growled and she saw Cold Hammer tightened his grip on his hammer but didn't remove it from where it was secured, tied down on the side of his dire wolf. He smoothed his thumb along the wooden handle almost rhythmically as he waited. She thought she spotted movement through the thinning trees and focused on it and spotted horses moving, riders sitting high and straight. They were on the path, moving deeper into the woods, coming their way.

"There." Lohke pointed them out and held up his hand, everyone stopping in place. "Stop, everyone, don't touch your weapons. Those are humans."

"On the border?" Cold Hammer questioned gruffly and he looked like he wanted to devour them, his eyes spitting fire as he squeezed his hand around the hammer once more and let it go. His lip remained curled like he was disgusted with himself, with the sight coming around the bend in the trees ahead of them.

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