Chapter 1- The Team

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I own nothing

Tony Stark

I have not heard from my sister or nephew in over 2 years. Then out of the blue, I get a call saying Sally died in a fire. They said that either I become Percy's legal guardian, or he goes in the system. Of course I said I would take him.

So I was told he was coming today and he would be here by noon. It is one o'clock.

I was getting worried, what if something happened to him. He shouldn't be this late. I stood up and started pacing the living room.

"Tony I know that you are worried, but stop with the pacing. Please, your making me dizzy." Clint Barton asked.

I sigh and sit down, placing my face in my hands.

It is another hour and a half before I heard Jarvis say, "Sir Percy has arrived, and he seemed to of brought a friend."

I sigh, "Thanks Jay, send them up."

I walk over to the elevator right as it opens. Percy almost runs me over.

"Kid! Where have you been, I was worried."

He looks down, not meeting my eyes, "Sorry, we walked."

It was just then I saw the girl standing behind him. She had spiky black hair, wore silver camo pants, a black tank top, and a silver army jacket. I also noticed she had a silver tiara on her head. She appeared to be around 15.

Percy introduced the girl as Thalia. We talk for a minute. I use this time to look over Percy.

He is tall, just over six foot. He has a pretty good tan, but at the same time it looks like he had gone weeks without seeing any light, much less the sun. He is fit with many muscles. But looks sickly and scrawny at the same time. The playful light that I am so used to seeing in his eyes is gone.

He lifts up his bag, "Where am I staying?"

I smile, "Your old room."

He nods, "Thanks"

He walks away, and I mutter to myself, "What in the world happened to him."

"A lot."

I jumped, I had forgotten Thalia was there.

"What do you mean?" I ask very confused.

"When was the last time you saw Percy?" She asked.

"Just over two years ago, why."

"It's just Percy has been through a lot in that short time. And before you ask, he lost his mom, step dad, half brother, and best friend. He has been through more than any teenager should. He will most likely tell you in good time. But let him tell you on his own time, don't force it. Promise me that, please?"

I nod, "of course."

A few minutes later Percy come back down. "We can head to the kitchen, and I can introduce you guys to the team." I tell them.

Thalia shakes her head. "I have to go. Thanks though." I nod. Then she turns to Percy.

"Remember what I told you, call if you need anything." He nods. She reaches up and pulls her into a hug. They stay like that for a moment.

Thalia pulls back and walks to the elevator without a word.

Time skip
Percy Jackson

Me and Tony walk into the kitchen where the "team" is all sitting eating lunch.

"Um, guys. I'd like you to meet my nephew Percy Jackson." Tony says, over dramatically.

They all turn. I give them a small wave, but say nothing.

"This is Natasha, Steve, Clint, Bruce, Sam, and Rhody" They all waved when he said there name. "You can get some food if you want."

I nod and head to the fridge. I grab a Coke, and a pice of pizza.

"Hey, uh, mind if we ask you some questions?" Sam asked.

I shrug, "Guess not." I did mind, but you can't really say that.

"Do you work out?" Clint asked. Natasha hit him over the head.

I nod, "Yeah, you can say that."

"Clint that is not what I meant!" Sam said.

"How are you related to Tony?" He asked me.

"He is my uncle. My mom was his sister." I explained.

"What about your dad?" Steve asked.

"He was in the Navy, lost as sea, MIA. Whatever you want to call it. He never married my mom, I never met the guy. Mom said he was the best man in the world. I don't know though. Does 'the best man in the world' leave his girlfriend pregnant and go join a war?" I sigh, I don't care if Poseidon heard that. Let him hear it. I have been thinking these things my whole life. It felt good to finally say them.

"If your mom was never married, then who do you get your last name from?" Natasha asked.

"Um, I actually do not know, Tony you got anything?" I never even thought about it.

"Yeah, when your mom was 22 we decided it would be best if she changed her last name. This was right after mom and dad died, and there was a lot of publicity on our family. She never liked being in the spot light, so we found a way for her to disappear from it all together." Wow, I had no clue what to say to that.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. "Yo Perce, you and Thalia seem pretty close. Are you guys," Tony waved his hand vaguely not finishing his sentence.

"Oh no. She is like my sister. I love her but not like that. Never like that!" I could not believe he even thought that!

Tony shakes his head, "Then do you have a significant other?"

I flinch. My jaw clenches, I squeeze my fist tight. I close my eyes. I do this all in seconds, barely noticeable. "I did." I say in a quiet voice.

"I'm assuming that's not just a bad breakup?" Clint asked, crap they saw.

I shake my head, "There was a fire at the camp I go to. She didn't make it. Neither did a bunch of my friends. I considered all of them family, it was rough." Well none of that was false.

Sam sighs, "I'm sorry dude, when was this?"

"Three days ago." I stand up and walk to the door.

"Where are you going?" Tony asked.

I shake my head, and say nothing. I felt that if I open my mouth I won't be able to stop the scream I want to let out.

I head to the elevator and go down to the gym. That is the one place I can let some anger out.

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