Chapter 16- A new suit

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"So," Tony began, "what powers do you have now?"

I laugh slightly, "Um well Poseidon said I have control over liquids, I can create hurricanes, earthquakes, and change my appearance."

"What exactly does that mean?" Natasha asks.

"I don't really know, I haven't tried it yet. I didn't have the power before." I closed my eyes and focused on my image. I imagined my hair fading into a light blue. I hear a gasp, and I open my eyes.

I look up and see blue hair. I smile, I did it!

"Percy," I look around and everyone was smiling. "that's amazing! You know, that power could be useful on missions." My uncle tells me.

"Which leads to our proposition." Steve continues. "We have found the location of Loki's septer and we are going to retrieve it next weekend. We want you to come with us."

"For real?" I ask, completely shocked. This would be the first time going out into the field since the giant war.

"Of course, if your up for it, that is." Nat said with a smile.

"And if I have a flashback and blackout during the mission?"

"We won't let that happen." Steve reassured me, "And even if it did, we're a team and we wouldn't let anything happen to you."

I sigh, "If you guys are sure you want me, then I except." There were cheers all around the table. I guess I am wanted in this ragtag group of misfits.

I excused myself and headed up to my room. I was in pj's and wanted to change and take a shower.

When I got into my bathroom I was surprised to see that just hair was still blue. I smiled, it looked good on me. I stood in front of the mirror for a moment and watched my hair fad back to black. I shook my head and laughed, this would take some getting used to.

As I stood in the shower, my mind wondered. (Shower thoughts anyone? Leave your craziest shower thought in the comments!) My breath quickened, my head started pounding. The water around me made me feel like I'm drowning.

Panic attack.

I tried to shake it off, but it didn't work. I gritted my teeth, and gripped my hair. I tried to even out my breathing, to do anything to make this stop. But I felt week.

Week. I got my powers back so I wouldn't feel week. Yet here I am.

I shook my head, powers can't help if you don't use them. I focused on the flowers of water around me. I let the power fill me up, I gave over control. I closed my eyes and let my powers take over.

In no time my breathing even out and I was calm. I looked around and the water was floating all around me. On closer inspection I realized they were shapes, people. It was all of my quests, my stories shown in water.

I realized I didn't have to fear panic attacks and flashbacks anymore, I had a way to stop them. There was a method to the madness now.

One week later

Over that last week I only had one more flashback, and I brought myself out of it. I saved myself this time.

It's Saturday and today we are going to get back Loki's septer.

After breakfast I headed down to Tony's lab, he said he had something to show me.

When I got there he was working on one of his suits.

"Knock knock." I said, he jumped up.

"Oh Perce, I didn't hear you come in." My uncle smiled. "But now come with me."

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