Chapter 15- I'm Back

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I'm standing at the edge of the pool in Stark tower. I have a drachma in my hand and the window is open. There is a faint rainbow above the pool. I'm about to make a call.

"Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow please except my offering." I threw in the coin. "Posidion"

My father faded into view, he looked surprised to see me. "Percy's what's going on, is everything okay?"

"Dad we need to talk, can you come to the tower?" I give him a pleading smile.

"Um, I'm not sure if that's the best idea."

"Don't worry, I'm alone and everyone already knows." I quickly reassured him.

"Okay, I'll be there in a moment." The IM went blank and then my father appeared beside me. "What's going on?"

"I lost my powers."


"I was sick, I was going to die. But Carter stopped that. He saved me. He saved my life. But there was a cost, my powers. He basically took the energy used to give me my powers and used it to fight off the sickness. I can never get sick again." I explain.

"When I asked Horas to keep an eye on you this is not what I meant!"

"Yeah well they saved my life, so would you rather me of died with powers or live without them? Anyway Carter said you could give my powers back to me."

Poseidon rubbed his face, "You will have to give me permission, right now the oath keeps me from giving you any powers."

I nod, "I Percy Jackson, give Poseidon permission to give me powers." I laugh, "That sounded stupid."

My father smiled, "Are you ready Percy?" I nod. "How long had it been since you lost your powers?"

"About three weeks, give or take." I tell him after a moment. (He's been at school for a week. He started school a week after his birthday. His birthday was a week after this happened.)

"Okay, well all of the powers will rush in at once, your body will most likely get overwhelmed. Since it's been a while since you lost your powers there is a chance you'll pass out." He says all of this in a grim voice. It's like there is something he is not telling me.

"Just do it." I tell him, the way he's talking is making me nervous.

He closed his eyes eyes and held his hand out. A small ball of light appeared and floated into my heart. (Harry Potter anyone?)

There was an intense jolt of pain that made me stagger back. Pressure started to build in my head, my muscles tensed. It was like my whole body had taken a breath in, I was scared of what would happen when it exhaled.

My vision began to swim. My head felt like it was exploding, I let out a cry of pain. I grip my hair, trying to stop this, to stop the pain. I couldn't hear anything, and color began to blur and fade. I felt my body fall, then nothing.

I wake up with a pounding headache. I'm in my room, but something tells off. Someone is here.

I sit up slowly, and take a deep breath. I try to remember what happened. I fell a sense of power, familiar and foreign at the same time.

Suddenly I remember. Poseidon, the warning, the energy, the pain, the explosion, my explosion.

I look around and see my father sitting beside my bed. "What happened?" My voice is horse and scratchy.

"You passed out, but you caused a bit of an explosion first." He tells me.

"Was anyone hurt?"

"Just you. You took the bulk of the blast, as it came from you, but the floor got a bit beaten. I tried to keep the blast contained, but the smaller the blast radius, the more pressure and force on you. I made the radius as small as I dared." My father explains this in a grim voice.

"What did you give me?"

"Everything you had before, water manipulation, hurricanes, the ability to talk to sea animals and horses, as well as some new things. You can now create small earthquakes and change your appearance."
(Just FYI for y'all this is gonna be kinda like a Metamorphmagus in Harry Potter. Percy will be able to change his appearance, but it will be different than shape shifting. In hoh, Frank can shape shift because he is a legacy of Poseidon, so I figured this wouldn't be to far off.)

"Why so much, why give me so many powers?" I ask in wonder.

"Because you deserve it." My father said simply, "Now go find your family, they are worried about you." And with that he disappeared.

I walked down to the kitchen where the team was sitting eating lunch. My footsteps were scilent, no one noticed me till I was right next to them. "Hey guys."

They all flinched a little, some more than others. (Cough Tony cough cough)

"Percy! How you feeling?" Tony asks.

"Great." And it was true, after my talk with Poseidon I've felt perfect.

"And your powers?" Steve asks.

I close my eyes. I can sense liquids all around me. I smile. I hold my arm up and lift all of the water out of their glasses. I turn them all into mini hurricanes.

I turn my hand into a fist, and stop the hurricanes, like someone pressed pause. I hear small gasps.

I laugh, this fells so good. I let the water fall back into their cups and open my eyes.

Everyone at the table is smiling, and I can fell the smile on my face too.

"I'm back." My voice is barely above a whisper. Then I let out a loud whoop. "I'm back!" I let out a cry of joy.


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