Chapter 23- Questions

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We were in the living room when the cops came back. Tony, Steve, and I had decided that Tony and I would go in to talk to Gabe. Tony is his legal guardian, so he would be expected. And I am a demigod, I know how to ask questions without giving to much away. Steve would be in the next room watching, ready to jump in if needed.

The officers lead us to an interrogation room. There was a two-way mirror on one side of the room and a silver table in the center. Gabe was seated at the table with handcuffs attaching him to the table.

"You guys have 20 minutes." One of the officers told us.

"Thank you." Tony told them as they exited the room.

Tony and I pulled up chairs opposite Gabe.

"Why were you so intent on killing my nephew?" Tony starts.

"He's a brat who needs to be taught a lesson." Gabe answers plainly.

"There seemed to be more to it then that." I say.

"The kid is a brat and caused me a major setback. When he kidnapped his mom and two other kids when he was 12 he lost me thousands of dollars. He needs to be taught a lesson."

"They cleared him of all charges." Tony rebukes, "he was kidnapped too, and you didn't loose that your company did."

Gabe just scoffs.

"What do you mean setback? You disappeared everyone thought you were dead." I tell him.

"You really think that would stop me? We live in a world full of gods, monsters, magic. I'm honestly surprised that more people don't know about this." Gabe looked me know the eyes, "Your just like him. Your family is horrible at keeping a secret. To answer your question, my buddies called in some favors. Some gods owed me for keeping my mouth shut. Bing bang boom I'm back.  Then I was gonna get the boy and give him what he deserves. But you guys had to ruin that." Gabe shook his hand cuffs, but they were secure. "I should of killed him and his mother when I had the chance, and I should of killed you idiots too! I should of killed all of you!"

Tony stood up and I followed suite. "That's all we needed thank you." I tell the poor excuse for a man as I walked out of the room.

"He knows, what are we going to do?" Tony exclaimed as we walked over to Steve.

"Gabe isn't the only one who has some favors owed to him. I know a girl who can clear this all up." I smile and make eye contact with Steve. He instantly knows who I'm talking about. Our encounter was not an easy one to forget.

"Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow please except my offering. Queen Hera Mt. Olympus." I through my coin into the most I made in the kitchen sink. The queen of the gods appeared.

"Well well well, look who it is, Bucky Barnes." Hera looked at me with spite in her eyes.

"Hello aunty. I'm here to call in my favor. I've got a mortal here who has tried to kill me, the avengers, and Percy already today. And he knows about the gods. And is willing to tell everyone he sees."

Hera takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes. "Barnes! Why do you have to be so difficult? Most people just want money or game or a peacock. But no you need me to erase someone's memories. And not all of them just specific ones. I'm gonna get you one day Barnes and you're gonna be upset you ever messed with me."

"But aunty, think of how dull your life would be without me? Who would be there to keep you on your toes?" I put on an inoccent smile, but there is mischief in my eyes.

Hera closed her eyes again, and snapped her fingers. "There, it's done. Now go away before I smite you." With that she ran her hand through the IM cutting off the conversation.

I headed back out to the kitchen where Tony and Steve were sitting. "Its done, Gabr will have no memory of the gods ever again."


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