Chapter 6- a slow road to recovery

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Tony Stark

I was sitting in the med bay, waiting for Percy to wake up. I had my laptop in here and trying to do some work as well. It had been almost three hours, and I was getting tired, I would fall asleep soon.

Right as I started drifting off, I heard movement. I looked up, and saw that Percy was starting to wake up. I walked over to him, and placed my hand in his shoulder. He looked up at me.

"Tony, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to worry!" He said this very suddenly. At first I had no idea what he was talking about, but then I realized that he must be referring to his dad.

"Percy it's okay, I'm not upset." I tell him softly. He sits up, and I sit next to him. I wrap my arm around his shoulders.

"I just didn't want to bring you into this because when people are associated with me in that world, they end up dying. Everyone I love and care about have all died, because I could not protect them. I didn't want the same thing to happen to you or the Avengers. You guys are all that I have left, and I really didn't want to loose that. But now my secrets out. And you all are in danger." He wouldn't meet my eyes.

I life his chin up so he has to look at me. "Percy, I'm not mad at you. I know that you can't just go around telling people that your a demigod. That could endanger your people." I tell him, "And as far as putting us in danger, your wish will protect us. Thor told us about your wish for the gods to leave you alone. They can't get to us when we got you. And I think we could hold our own till you could jump in."

We sit in scilence for a bit. Then I ask him the thing that has been bugging me. "Percy, what happened before? When you like blacked out? Was it a flashback?"

He sighed and shook his head. "It wasn't a flashback, but it was just as bad. It was so dark. And cold. It was like and infinite abiss of darkness, and there was no way out. I was alone, there was no escape. The longer I stood there, the less hope I had. I had almost given up, then I saw you." He paused for a minute, I squeezed his shoulder. "I still couldn't hear anything, but I saw you. But you were about to walk away. I panicked, so I grabbed your hand, and just managed to say something. I don't even know what I said. The longer I was with you, the more the darkness went away, the more hope I got back. You saved me."

I gave him a small laugh. "I may of helped but that was all you. You managed to fight it, you saved yourself."

"As much as I like to think I can always save myself, and will never have to rely on anyone, I can't. I realize that, if you hadn't been there I don't know what would of happened." He moved slightly so he was out from under my arm. He hung his head. "I don't know how many times I would of been dead if my friends hadn't saved me. Yet I couldn't save them. I let them down and now they are dead. That is my fault, I failed them in their time of need. They never once failed me."

I gripped his arm, "Percy, that is not true. They would not of blamed you. There was nothing you could do. No one can stop death, not even the gods. So stop beating yourself up over this."

Percy sighed, and was about to say something, but was cut off by a choughing fit. He sat up and leaned against me. I put my arm back around him. He shivered.

"Tony, I don't feel so good." (A/N sorry! I couldn't help it!) He said as he leaned his head against my shoulder.

"Yup, well old Brucey boy said you have pneumonia. But don't worry, you'll be all patched up and ready to got in no time."

Time skip

Turns out "in no time" took at lot of time. It had been over a week, and Percy has shown no signs to getting better.

I know, these things take time, yada yada yada. Well I think he should of had some improvement by now. And yet this seems to be a very slow road to recovery.


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