Chapter 9- They saved my life I guess

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Percy Jackson

"What do you mean, he took away your powers?" Clint demands.

My hands are shaking, I nervously run them through my hair. "I don't know, I wake up and feel fine. I don't feel sick, I don't feel the wound in my side. I go to stand up to find you guys. But as soon as my feet hit the ground, the world goes dark. I'm spinning, I feel like I'm on a boat. I'm getting sea sick, something I hoped would never happen again. I pass out. I see images of my whole demigod life go past, in reverse order. At the very end, just before I woke up, I see Carter! He says he's sorry!" I grab my backpack from Thor and throw it in the ground.

"He says he's sorry that he ripped away the only thing I've known for years. The only place I've ever felt at home, like I belong!" I sink to the ground, in a voice barely above a whisper, I say, "It's all gone. Why? Why did this to me?"

Carter shakes his head. "Percy, I'm sorry. I didn't want to. I wanted to find another way, but Horus was persistent. He said it was the only way."

Steve raised his hand, "I'm confused, only way to what?"

"Percy was gonna die from the pneumonia. We sent a bullet of sorts to him. It entered through his side and destroyed the illness.

"But to do that, it needed a great amount of energy. More than any machine could produce. The bullet used the energy from Percy's powers, and killed the pneumonia, and Percy can never get sick again. The bullet dissolved and keeps him from getting sick." Carter explained this, and I felt silent tears fall down my face. Clint sat down next to me, and wrapped his arms around around my shoulders.

"If his powers are in the bullet powder, and the powder is part of him, then shouldn't he have his powers?" Steve asks.

"No. The bullet rewrote Percy's DNA. His powers we're changed, and won't work that way anymore"

Thor looked up, "Will the powder always be part of him?"

"No but the effect will stay."

"So could Poseidon bless him and give him his powers back?" Thor asks.

I stand up, "No that will not happen!"

"Why?" Steve asks.

"Because," I shake my head and run my hands through my hair, "I can't bring myself to face him. Not now. I left him behind. It's not worth it." I can't believe this. My powers are gone.

Carter looks up nervously, "Percy, there are other water gods. We could get one of them to bless you. Like Nephthys. We can find a way."

"No, I don't want water powers that aren't my father's. I'll have to figure it out." I tell him.

Suddenly a small girl just about four or five runs up the steps and to Carter. He bends down and she whispers something in his ear.

After a brief conversation the girl runs back inside, and Carter looks at us.

"There is someone here who wants to see you Percy."

When we get back to the living room, there is a man who appears to be in his twenties with wild blond hair, wire-rimmed glasses, jeans and a lab coat. His lab coat was covered in dirt.

Carter bowed his head, "Lord Thoth."

The man smiled, "Your Majesty."

"I'm not your pharaoh Thoth, Horus is your king."

"And he told us to treat you as we would treat him." The man says with a smile.

Carter shakes his head. "Anyway, what brings you here?"

He points at me, "I want to give a blessing to the Greek."

"I already told Carter I don't want powers that aren't from my dad." I tell him sadly.

"I'm not here to give you your powers back. I'm Thoth, god of wisdom writing and magic. I want to give you my blessing to help with your ADHD and dyslexia. It will take away your dyslexia and lessen your ADHD. You will still be fluent in Greek, and have amazing battle strategy though."

I knew that eventually Tony was gonna make me go back to school, and this would be a huge help. Before I could say anything, I stumbled sideways. Thor caught me.

"Perce, you okay?" Carter asks concerned.

"He hasn't eaten. He was in a comma for two weeks. He had a feeding tube, but he need real food." Clint answers.

They bring me to a table and give me a glass of water. That clears my head, and the room stops spinning. There is a bowl of dry lucky charms in front of me that I eat slowly.

Once I was in my right mind, and knew I wouldn't fall over, I turn to Thoth. "I accept your blessing."

He smiled and lifts his right hand so his palm faces me. I close my eyes, and letters and numbers fly around in my head. I gasped, everything seemed clearer. Like I had been looking at everything behind a veil, and now I'm seeing the world for this first time.

"Thank you." I tell the god before he disappeared.

Time skip
Back at Avengers tower
Tony Stark

Everyone at the tower was insanely confused. Percy wakes up from a two week coma, says he has to go to Brooklyn and leaves. No one has heard from Percy, Thor, Steve, or Clint in three days.

Everyone was eating lunch when Jay informed us that the group was back.

Only seconds later, Percy comes running out of the elevator and into the kitchen. He stands there smileing at us. I walk over a place a hand on his shoulder.

"You good kid." He looks up at me.

"Yeah, I think I am."

"So why did you have to race off to visit your friends in Brooklyn?"

"They saved my life I guess."

"What did they do exactly?" Natasha asks.

"I was gonna die from the pneumonia, so they took my powers and used it to charge this bullet thing that dissolved in me. And now I can't get sick."

"And who are they?" Sam asks.

"The Egyptians."

"And why do you look so happy if you just lost your powers?" Bruce questions.

"Cause one of their gods took away my dyslexia and now it's like I'm looking at the world from a whole new perspective." Percy practically beamed.

I wrap my arms around him in a hug, "I'm glad your happy."

As always I own nothing but the plot.

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