Chapter 4- Answers

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Tony Stark

"Thor, what's going on? How do you know Percy?" I was completely confused. Percy just broke down, this was worse than his flashback was. Then he just gets up, says Thor will explain, and leaves. I need answers.

Thor looks around, making sure everyone was here. "You know the Norse are real, well we aren't the only ones out there. Their are many other powers. There are the Egyptian, Aztec, Mayan, and Roman to just name a few. But one of the most powerful are the Greeks. They follow the western flame. Where ever the largest power on Earth is, that's where they are. Right now they are in America. New York to be specific." He paused and looks around, slightly unsure.

"Thor go on." I tell him.

"Well, like in the original days, the gods fall in love with mortals. The result in these relationships are demigods, half-bloods, heroes. They have many names. But these heroes have dangerous lives. There are monsters, and gods who want half-bloods dead. Most die young, but some make it to safe places. They can be trained to fight monsters. To survive. In the last two years there have been two major wars in the Greek world. They were both lead by the same hero. Perseus Jackson."

We all stare at him. "Your telling me that my little sister had a child with a Greek god?" He nods.

"Percy is a son of Poesdion. He can control water, make earthquakes, speak to horses, and sea animals. And much more. Percy had gone on countless quests, and fought battles. He has been the hero of numerous prophecies. He is the most powerful demigod of the generation."

"What made him freak out like that?" Steve asked.

"Even demigods don't leave a war without a couple scars. He has seen a lot. He has seen his friends and family die right in front of him. He has been a pawn of the gods for over five years. I assume when he sensed my presence he feared that I was just another powerful being who wants to use him." Thor said quietly.

"What all could of happened to the kid?" Natasha asked.

Thor smiled, "Well, it all started when Percy was twelve."

We all leaned forward in or seats, not wanting to miss anything.

Time skip- 3 hours

"Percy was the last of the seven, and killed Giea. He is a true hero." Thor concluded. He had spent the last three hours telling us about Percy's adventures, and quests. I have to admit, the kid has been through a lot!

"How can anyone, much less a kid, go through all of that, and come out sane?" Bruce asks, shocked.

"How do you know he is?" Natasha stated quietly.

"Pardon?" Steve said, confused.

"How do we know he is sane." Natasha clarified. We all just stared at her. "Well, I mean, look at him. He barely eats, he has hidden himself from us for over a week. When he comes down, he looks dead tired. So it is safe to assume that he doesn't get much sleep. We can probably blame that on nightmares after seeing his flashback. He probably has PTSD, and survives guilt."

We all stared at her, "What I'm abservant."

I shake my head, "Your probably right." I turn to Banner, "Bruce, I give you full permission to do whatever doctor stuff you need to." I look at Sam, Steve, and Rohdey, "You guys, try and see how strong he is, and how good his fighting is." I look at the god, "Is there anything else we should know?"

He thinks for a moment, "Don't pry. If he wants to talk about all of this, he will, don't push him. And try not to bring up Annabeth or the pit." We all nod in understanding.

Percy Jackson

I limped to my room. I almost fell three times. When I got in my room, I collapsed in bed.

The one good thing about these episodes, is I can usually get a few hours if good sleep. My mind and body are just so spent, I have no energy left to spend with nightmares.

So after finding out who the god was I am no longer as scared. But that does not mean I'm okay. I'm tired of being the gods play thing. I know they swore to leave me alone, but that will only apply to Greek and Roman. There are more gods out there. I don't know what to do.

I sighed, there was nothing I could do right now, I was way to tired. I fell back into my bed, and fell asleep.

Time skip four hours

I sat up sleepily. I looked around my room, trying to figure out what work me up.

Suddenly I heard footsteps and muffled voices outside my room. I couldn't tell what they were saying.

I was about to roll over and go back to sleep, when the door opened. I flopped on to my back, and let out an overly dramatic sigh.

"I'm finally able to get some good sleep, and you idiots wake me up!" I growl at them slightly. I don't even pay attention to who it is.

I fell a gentle hand in my shoulder, I shrug it off. The hand is pulled back.

"Percy, I'm sorry I woak you up, but I really need to give you a check up. I know this morning you said you didn't need one. But after hearing what Thor said, I think you do need one." Bruce said quietly.

I sigh, "So he told you?" He nodded, "Well I guess I don't have much of a choice now do I?"

Bruce shakes his head. "What if I refuse to come calmly?"

He points to the door, "Steve, Sam, and Rohdey all waiting to intercept you."

I sigh, and sit up. "Okay, I'll come." I stand up, but instead of heading to the door, I run to the window. I run through it, mentally calling for Black Jack.

Before I can even finish my thought, I fell someone grab me, and something hit my head.

Before I passed out, I realized that Thor had figured I would try for blackjack, so he decided to intercept me.

Sup guys. As always I own nothing. I hope y'all like this. Remember to comment and vote. Bye y'all

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