chapter 3- Unexpected Visitor

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Bruce Banner

It has been a week since Percy had his flashback, and I've barely even seen the kid. He stays in his room, and only comes out for food. When he does come out, he says little and eats even less.

Me, Tony and Rodhey were the only ones in the living room right now. Steve and Sam were out for a run, and Natasha and Clint were asleep.

"Tony, I know you wanted to let Percy get settled in, but he has been hiding in his room for a week. He is also barely eating, please let me give him a check up." I finally say.

Tony sighs, "Okay, I guess your right. We can talk to him when he gets up."

An hour and a half later, Percy finally came down.  He looked tired but kinda alert. His hair was a mess, more than usual, and he had dark bags under his eyes.

"Hey Perce" Tony greeted his nephew. Percy nodded.

For a few minutes we just sat in scilence. Everyone was in here now, and no one knew what to say. I knew if I didn't say something soon, he would leave.

"Hey Percy, I noticed you have not been to the doctor in a while. I need to give you a check up later." I say as calmly ad possible.

Percy shakes his head. "That is not necessary. Seriously. I'm fine. There is no need for a check up."

Natasha smiles, "If you are in 100% health, then you won't mind Bruce checking."

He said nothing. He was trapped.

Before anyone could say anything, someone barged into the room. It was Thor.

Percy Jackson

I heard heavy footfalls. I felt a powerful presence. A presence of a god. Before I knew what was happening, I started shaking. I was feeling way to many emotions right now.

I was angery. The gods said they would leave me alone. How did this dude even find me?

I was in grief. Thinking of the gods using me only reminds me of those I lost.

But mostly I was scarde. What did this guy want? Did he want me? Did he want to hurt me? Was he one of Geia's followers? Would he torture me for killing his master? Would he hurt me for information?

I was shaking uncontrollably now. I was unaware of anything going on around me. I was unaware of the pressure building in the pipes. I was unaware that this god was not hostile. I was unaware of the worry clear on my uncle's face.

As soon as the first tear streamed down my face the pipes bursted. The kitchen was sprayed with water, including those in it.

My breathing was becoming ragged. I tried to get it under control, but nothing was working.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and tried to shrug it off. The hand tighten it's grip. It scard me. What if this was the god. What if he had already taken out the team. What if it was just me and him.

"Percy! Listen to me! Your okay. Your safe. Nothing is going to hurt you." A familiar voice said to me.

I didn't want to listen. I tried to burry my head in my arms. I wanted to hide. To get away from whoever this was.

Another hand grabbed my other shoulder. I was pulled back. Unable to hide my face. But I kept my head down, and eyes closed. Tears streamed freely down my face. I tried again to get the hands off my shoulders, but to no avail.

"Percy, open your eyes. Look at me your safe." A voice I finally recognized as Sam's said.

"Percy, nothing can hurt you. No one can get to you." Tony told me.

Slowly I opened my eyes, and lifted my head. I was still shaking. Tony was in front of me. Sam and Steve held my shoulders. Tony looked into my eyes. The look he gave me told me he wouldn't let anyone harm me. He had no idea what I had been through, but he wasn't planning on letting it happen again.

I fell into Tony's embrace, and he held me tight.

Tony Stark

Thor came barging into the kitchen. "My friends, I have found the location of Loki's septer." He said loudly.

That got our attention. We all looked up at the god. He explained how he got the location, and where it is.

We started forming a plan. I had Jarvis pull up a map of the area, and we went into full battle mode.

It wasn't until we were all soaked that we noticed something was wrong. I looked up and heard ragged breathing. Percy was shaking.

Steve walked over and gently placed his hand on Percy's shoulder. Percy flinched and tried to shake him off. Steve tightened his grip.

"Percy! Listen to me! Your okay. Your safe. Nothing is going to hurt you." I tell him.

He tried to pull his arms over his head. To get as small as possible. To get out of Steve's firm grip.

Steve almost lost his hold, but Sam grabbed his other shoulder. The two of them pulled him back so he was sitting up. He still kept his head down. I could see tears pouring down his face.

He tried to get Sam and Steve off of him, but they still did not let go.

"Percy, open your eyes. Look at me your safe." Sam told him.

"Percy, nothing can hurt you. No one can get to you." I told him.

Finally he opened his eyes. He was still shaking and looked terrified. He looked around, then fell into my open arms.

Steve Rogers

      Okay this was strange. Percy was currently clinging to Tony, as if his life depended on it.

After a few minutes, he finally pulled back. "I'm sorry," he said quietly.

Tony gripped his arms, "You have nothing to apologise for."

Percy looked down, "Who is he? The god?"

I neel down next to him, "His name is Thor. He is on the team, he's with us."

"Who is this?" Thor asks in a gentle tone.

"My nephew, Percy Jackson." Tony answered.

"The Percy Jackson?" Thor asks, sounding shocked. Percy nodded.

"Percy, what's going on?" I ask quietly, not wanting to push him.

"Ask Thor, I'm going to sleep"

Just FYI Thor will not be a fangirl. He just knows about Percy.

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