Chpater 19- The Attack

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It's been three months since Ultron, and things have gone back to, well not normal exactly. There have been a ton of changes around the compound. (We moved from the tower to the compound since we have so many people now.)

First off, Wanda and Petro have moved in, and they are going to school with me and Peter. Second, Clint moved out. He left to spend some time with his family. The pervious battles have shown him how easily his life can be taken, and he didn't want to waste this opportunity. Thor left shortly after the battle, and Bruce disappeared. No one knows where he is. Same and Rohdey who had been in the tower part time were at the compound full time now.

Jarvis is gone now, and Friday is the resident electric butler now. I guess you could say Jarvis isn't really gone since we have Vision, but it's not the same.

Finally, Sargent James Barnes has moved in. Steve and Sam, along with some help from Tony, have been searching for months for him. Their hard work finally paid off.

James, or Bucky as he likes to be called, was very secretive at first, and I don't blame him. After months of being on the run, he was found, and wasn't sure if we were friend or foe.

It took some convincing on Steve's part to keep him out of prison. But after some help from the whole team we managed to prove his innocence. Things have been pretty smooth since.


I wake up at 4:30 on a Tuesday morning. I know this sounds really early, but I have things to do before school. And the nightmares I still get don't help me get a ton of sleep.

I first head down to the gym. I wasn't surprised to see Bucky down there. Recently he decided I wasn't a horrible training partner.

"Hey Buck." I say as I walk in. He nods in response.

Bucky is standing at the punching bag, and I can tell he's been her a while. I walk over and grab the bag, holding it steady. He spends the next 10 minutes on the bag.

After he backs up I walk over to the sparring mat, "Wanna spar?"

Bucky smirks, "Only if you want to loose."

"Oh your on old man!"

Now Bucky knows that I'm not your average person, no one here is. But he doesn't know what I am exactly. I've had to be careful around him keeping my powers in check. I don't overly care if he knows or not, but Steve doesn't want him to know for some reason. I don't question my captain.

We had been sparring for half an hour when I heard a sound. Gun shots, coming this way and fast.

Me and Bucky lock eyes, quickly we both go for our wepons.

"Friday, what's going on?" I ask after a minute.

No response.

"This isn't good." Bucky says. He's sitting on a bench with his eyes closed. I had no clue what he was doing.

I shake my head as I walk toward the door. I peek out into the hallway and what I see frightened me. Blood all over the floor, bloody handprints on the wall.

"Percy get back!" Bucky screams, running and shoving me out of the way, shielding my body.

A bullet flys right through where I had been seconds before.

Bucky slowly gets up, letting me go. Just then a man walks in, someone I never thought I would see again.

"Gabe!" I gasp and back up, startled and slightly scared.

The man who destroyed my life smiled, "Twerp, I told you I'd get back at you. You can never get away from me."

"How is this possible? How are you here, your supposed to be dead! My mom killed you!" I slowly raised my sword, my arm shaking.

Bucky stepped between me and Gabe, "Percy calm down, I can handle this." He says this quietly so Gabe can't hear him. "You've fought aliens, one mortal is nothing."

I was so freaked out by Gabe that I didn't even notice that Bucky used the term mortal. A term no mortal uses.

Word choice aside, he was right. After everything I had been through, Gabe should be nothing. Yet here I am,  shaking in my boots at the sight of him.

Gabe raised his gun again, it was pointing straight at my head. "I've been waiting years for this. If you wanted me gone Percy, you should of gotten you stupid father down to kill me. You know that your mother wouldn't be able to really kill me, she's not strong enough. It would take all of your stupid God's to kill me."

Before I could react, he pulled the trigger I stood there frozen, in complete shock. I couldn't believe that this would be how I died. Not by a monster, alien, or angery god. No by the stupid mortal who tormented me and my mom. I don't know what shocked me more, the tragic turn of events or that fact that I was actually scared. Scared of the man who had ruined my life for years. Scared of the man who abused me and my mom till I was 12. I can't believe this was happening.


I have no idea who this man is or why he wants to kill Percy, but I wouldn't let him go through with it.

I had never seen Percy like this. He was as white as a sheet and stood shaking. Steve had told me that he had had a rough life, but for some reason I don't think this is what he was talking about.

The man, Gabe, pulled the trigger, and Percy didn't move. I quickly put up a water barrier, as I ran to push Percy out of the way for the second time today.

Once I knew Percy was a safe distance away, I stood and faced the man. I shot him in the shoulder. He fell to the ground and I hit him in the head with the back of my gun, knocking him unconscious.

I run over to Percy. He was starting at me, not in fear like I expected, but in aw.

"Your like me." His voice sounded amazed. "Your my brother." Percy laughed despite the situation, "I have another brother!"

Finally realization dawned on me. "Your a son of Poseidon." I smiled, over that last month I had started seeing Percy as a little brother, but I had no idea how right I was. "Your my brother."


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