Chapter 5- Darkness

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Percy Jackson

I wake up with my head pounding. My whole body is in pain. I calm myself enough I'm able to open my eyes. I'm in Bruce's lab.


I try to sit up, but get stopped somehow. I realize there are restraints on my wrists, feet, and around my torso.

I fall back into the bed, head still pounding. I hear footsteps to my left. Bruce appears above me.

"Bruce, what's going on? Why am I in restraint? What happe-" Suddenly it all came back to me.

I just layed there. They know. They know everything. A single tear slipped through my eyes. Bruce had a look of pitty on his face.

Third person POV

Bruce put his hand on Percy's shoulder. He shook it off. "Percy, if I take the restraints off, will you do what I say?" His voice was calm, as if talking to a scard child. At this point he basically was.

Percy nodded faintly. Still just staring at the ceiling.

"Are you sure? Because the last text I asked you this, you didn't exactly come calmly." Bruce said with a worried look.

Percy turns his head slightly. "Yes Bruce. I am mentally and physically exhausted. Despite what you might think, getting body slammed by someone much larger than you, then getting knocked unconscious, does not give you a restful sleep. Besides, this room only has one exit. The door, which I would assume is being guarded so I can't excape."

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked, curious by the younger man.

"All of the vents are reinforced, so not even Clint could get into them. There are no windows, or other doors. Not even a closet."

"And how do you know all of this? You can't see the room." Bruce states.

"This is not the first time I have gotten locked in here. Last time was a game of hide and seek gone wrong." Percy had a light smile on his face.

Bruce leaned down and started undoing the restraints. "Do I even want to know?"

Percy swang his legs over the bed, "Hey it was not my fault, I didn't kno-" As soon as his legs hit the ground, his sentence got cut off. His face went blank, and his knees buckled. Bruce barley managed to catch him.

"Guys, a little help in here!" Bruce called. Steve, Sam and Rohdey came running in. Steve grabbed Percy, and set him back on the bed. He was now sitting up against the wall, and he started to lean sideways. Steve caught his arm and held him up.

"Rohdey go get Tony." Bruce orders, "Steve hold him still."

Bruce leaned Percy's head back and checked for blockage of airways. There was nothing, but his breathing got ragged.

Bruce grabbed a small flashlight and shined it in Percy's eyes. "Pupils are not dialated." He checked his pulse, faster than normal.

Bruce patted Percy's cheek, "Come on Perce look at me. Wake up." Nothing.

Tony Stark

I was sitting in my lab, staring at all of my half finished projects. I was trying to get my mind off of everything by emersing myself in my work. This would usually work but it wasn't.

Not only was I confused beyond measure, I was also worried. I felt like something was going on right now, and I needed to be there.

I tried to put this thought out of my mind and get some work done. But not even a minute later Rohdey came running into the room.

"Tony, come fast, it's Percy!" He said loudly.

I didn't ask any questions, I just got up and ran. I heard Rohdey say something about Bruce's lab, so I headed there.

I got into the lab and quickly saw the problem. Percy was sitting on the bed, head drooping, and body swaying. The only thing keeping him from falling was Steve's firm grip on his arm.

I ran over and looked at Bruce. "What happened?"

Bruce shook his head, "I don't know we were talking, and he went to stand up. Then he just fell in the middle of a sentence. He is not asleep, or in a comma. It is more like a flashback, but it doesn't seem like that is what it is. Sam can't talk him out of this either." He told me quickly.

I looked over at my nephew, "Can he hear us?" Bruce nods, "I think"

I kneeled in front of the bed and grabbed Percy's hands. "Kid, whatever's going on, whatever happened, just come back to me. I lost your mom, I'm not loosing you too. I know nothing in your life has ever been easy or normal, but that's okay. There is not much normal about me either. But we can get through this, just come back to me. Please."

I sat like this for a moment. Hopeing that he can hear me. That he will come back. I noticed that his breathing calmed to a normal pace. But it still seemed forced, pained.

I was about to get up to tell Bruce this, but as I went to take away my hands, he moved. Percy reached out and grasped my hand. "Don't go" I heard him say.

I sighed in relief, "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I tell him softly.

I readjust myself, so now I'm on one knee, and have one hand free. I motion for Sam, who was next to me, and motioned for a pen and paper.
Quickly I wrote 'check lungs breathing sounds off'. I handed it back to Sam and mouthed Bruce.

"Percy, I'm going to let go for a second. Just so I can come up and sit next to you. Is that okay?" I say this in a quite voice just loud enough for him to hear.

After a moment, he looked up so his eyes met mine. The sea green orbs looked so broken, so lost, it was heart breaking. A second later he gave me a slight nod, so I got up.

Once I was seated next to him, I wrapped my arm around him, and he leaned into my embrace. He rested his head against my arc reactor (this is before iron man 3). After a minute I sighed, "Percy, Bruce really needs to finished check up. Can he go on and do that now?"

He looked up at me, "Can you stay?" I nodded, "Of course."

Time skip

Somehow I finally got Percy to go to sleep, so I headed over to Bruce.

"Okay, what's wrong with him?" I ask, preparing myself for the worst.

"So I'm almost positive that this is what it is, but I will need to do an x-ray to know for sure. But I think he has pneumonia." The doctor says quickly.

I stare at him for a moment, "Um what now? It is the middle of summer! How in the world did this child get pneumonia?"

Bruce shakes his head, "There is more than one way to get sick. I don't know how he got it, or how long he has had it, but we can help him, so calm down."

I turn and look and my sleeping nephew, "I guess your right."


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