Chapter 8- Brooklyn

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I own nothing

Percy Jackson

I'm sitting on the ground, next to Sam and Tony. The rest of the team is standing around us.

"Percy, do you mind explaining why you just started screaming at the sky?" Tony asks me.

I stand up, ignoring his question. I walk over to my bed. I grab my backpack and start putting the essentials in it. Clothes, water, food, rope, first aid kit, pocket knife, mortal blades, demigod blades, and a pack of Oreos. "I need to get to Brooklyn. Fast."

Everyone is looking at me like I have two heads. "I will take any reason to go home, but why?" Steve asks.

"I need to see an old friend of mine, and get some answers." I look at them, "Not everyone should come. Just two or three. Thor you need to come, you know why. Steve and um," I look at Thor for some help. He shrugs, ."Clint."

"Why does it seem like you just picked me so you wouldn't have to take Tony?"

"I don't know what your talking about. Let's go, you guys need to pack stuff for at least three days."

"You need all of that for a three day in state trip, to go talk to a friend?" Sam asks in an accusing manor.

"Things tend to go down hill when we hang out. This is thinking optimistically." I walk out of the door and head to the garage.
Time Skip

Ten minutes later we are on the road. Steve was driving and I was in the passenger seat.

"Thor did you tell them about these guys?" I don't know how much Steve and Clint already know.

"Not much, only that they are out there." He responds.

"So Thor told you that there are other powerful beings out there right?" Steve nods. "Well one group is the Egyptians. They don't have kids with mortals like Greeks. So no demigods. Instead they have magicians."

Clint leans forward so I can see him. "what like Harry Potter?"

I shake my head. "They get their powers by being a host to a god. Part of the god enters their body and they get some powers. I was a host for a short time."

I let them think about that for a moment before I begin again. "These people are all around the world and, gods this is hard to describe. Thor some help here." I could not think of an easy way to put this.

"Like how the ancient Egyptian people, the gods have Pharaohs. And the magicians have the same setup." Thor explains for me.

"My friend Carter is the host of the god Horus. Horus is the Pharaoh of the gods, so Carter is the Pharaoh of the magicians. At first no one believed that a child could rule them. The art of hosting gods had long been forgotten. No one trusted Carter or his sister Sadie.

"But they won a war and saved the world. Right now Carter doesn't always rule. Just on special occasions, he is finishing school. The person under him, his uncle, runs everything. But Carter and Sadie run Brooklyn house, the 21st nome. The first nome is in Egypt where Carter will rule one day. Any questions?"

Steve nodded, "Which way?" Everyone laughed. I finished navigating us to the house, nerves rising. There had not been an occasion me and Carter have met when something hasn't gone wrong.

Steve Rogers

We arrive at an older building. Percy wordlessly gets out of the car and storms up to the front door. We cautiously follow him.

After Percy knocked three times, the door opened. There was a burly African American kid. He's wearing a silver amulet, a black muscle shirt, black jeans a black leather jacket and combat boots.

"Hey, Percy. What's up?" They kid sounds anxious, like he knows something.

Percy pushes past him, "Out of my way Walt! You know why I'm here, where is Carter?"

The kid, 'Walt' steps out of the way and sighs, "roof"

When we got to the roof, we saw an African American kid about Percy's age. He was wearing a button up shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow. He was feeding an animal that resembles a Griffen.

Percy walked up to him. He grabbed his shoulder and slammed him into the wall of the stair entrance. He grabbed riptide and held it to the kids neck.

Me and Clint are about to go pull Percy off the kid, but Thor keeps us back.

"Carter, what did you do to me?" Percy sounded desperate, yet still firm.

"Percy, I didn't have a choice. You would of died! I couldn't let that happen knowing that I could of prevented it." Carter says.

"You think I care! I would of seen her! I would of seen all of them! Now, it's like part of me had been ripped away. Carter please."

Carter shook his head, "Percy I understand you have lost so much, but I couldn't let you die. Please put you sword down, and we can talk like civilized people."

Percy growled slightly, but backed away. He threw riptide down, and took off his backpack as well. Thor grabbed both of these, best not to let an upset Percy have wepons.

Percy walked to the edge of the roof and sighed. Thor placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Percy, the sickness was gonna kill you. Your dad had asked me to keep an eye on you since he couldn't. And that's not the only reason we did it." Carter explains, keeping his distance.

"Who is we?" Percy growls.

"I don't know, who are your friends?"

Percy waves vaguely, "Thor, Clint, Steve. Avengers." We all waved when he said our names.

"Me Sadie, Walt, Amos, and Jaz. (Idk if she is still alive but for the sake if the story she will be) Percy please understand, it was needed."

I raised my hand slightly, "Sorry to interrupt, but what did you do exactly?"

Percy turned around, "He took away my powers!"

I own nothing

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