Chapter 13- story time

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3rd Person


Percy walked into his room to find Peter standing at the window looking out over the city.

"Want any food?" He asks his old friend meekly. "I have some chips and some little Debby snacks."

Peter turned to face Percy, "Stop trying to distract me. I know something is going on. Why are you acting so weird, why was Mr Stark acting so weird? What happened to you?"

Percy shook his head, "I'll explain everything, but I'm telling you now it's crazy. This may sound like I've gone insane and I'm make up lies as fast as Spiderman slings webs, but it's all true."

Peter tenses, "Okay, then what going on?"

"I'm not human." Percy says simply.

"What do you mean your not human?"

"I mean my father is a Greek god. That's why I had never met him. He didn't die at sea he is the sea. He wasn't just some important sailor he was the sailor. My father is Poseidon. Greek god of the sea, Lord of the horse, and earth shaker."

Peter shakes his head, "That's not possible! Greek gods arnt real."

"Why not?" Percy raised his voice. Usually he wouldn't yell at Peter, but he was tired of this. Tired of the pity, the scared looks, all of it! "Why is it so hard to believe? There are superheroes! Thor is a god! Why can't there be others?"

"He's an alien, when have no proof he is immortal." Peter rebukes.

"Who says gods are immortal. I know their not, they are just a hell of a lot harder to kill than a human."

"That doesn't prove anything."

"Oh so you need proof now? But when you got bit by a spider and you suddenly have super powers you don't think to stop and ask any questions. You don't debate if it's possible, you just go out and run wild. Why do you need proof now?"

Peter stared at his friend astonished. "What, how, what?"

"Peter I'm not an idiot. I could recognize you with five arms, two head, green face and ozzing purple goo. Even then. Yes I know your Spider-Man. And I know you work with Tony."

"Okay, so say you are telling the truth and you are half god, that doesn't explain why you just disappeared off the face of the Earth."

Percy sighs, it's now or never. "It all started when I was twelve. Me and Mom were on vacation and there was a storm. It was like the sea and skies were angerey, and they were punishing the humans. There was a knock at the door, and it was Grover. You remember Grover right?"

Peter nods, "He's not half god is he?"

"No, he's a sayter. Half man half goat. And the term is demigod.

"Anyway, he told Mom it was time. We all got in the car and headed to long island sound. But there was something chasing us.

"Our car got hit by lightning so we get out and start running. The thing, it was a monster. The minator, half man half bull. I fought and killed the beast, but it took mom in the process. I go over this huge hill practically dragging Grover, and I enter a camp. I quickly passed out and was taken to the med bay.

"When I came to, I meet Chiron, centaur and trainer of heros. He explains the Greek world to me, he tells me I'm at camp half-blood. It's a safe place for demigods, where we can learn to protect ourselves.

"After about 3 weeks (idk if that's right) I was claimed Poseidon, during a game of capture the flag. Shortly after I was sent on a quest. 

"Zeus' master lighting bolt had been stollen, and he blamed me. So I had to go and find the real thief or else I would die. I had other motivation as well, but my life was pretty important. I was told that two people were you accompany me on my quest, and one person had already volunteered. Annabeth." Percy pauses. His eyes momentarily glass over, and his breathing hitches. He shakes his head and continues.

"She's a daughter of Athena and ends up being my future girlfriend. I asked Grove to come with us as well. He agreeded, and we were on our way. We finished the quest after a few bumps in the road. We returned the master bolt to Zeus, and headed back to camp."

Percy stops and walks to the window. He looks out over the city and sighs.

"Over the next four years a prophecy was reveled.

A half-blood of the eldest gods
Shall reach sixteen against all odds
And see the world in endless sleep
The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap
A single choice shall end his days
Olympus to preserve or raze

So when I turned 16 I lead an army of demigod's into battle against Kronos, king if the Titans and father of the gods. Kronos was using Luke castellan, son of Hermes, as his host.

"Everyone thought it would be me to kill Kronos, but in the end it was Luke. He got enough control that he was able to deliver a fatal wound to himself, and he killed Kronos. He was a hero."

Percy sat down and faced Peter, "When the war was over me and Annabeth got together, and we thought that everything would be fine, and we would be safe. We couldn't of been more wrong.

"I was kidnapped by Hera, queen of the gods. She took me and dropped me off at the Roman demigod camp, Camp Jupiter. She took the Roman demigod leader, Jason Grace and took him to camp half blood. Neither of us had any memories, and non of our friends or family knew where we were.

"I ended up going on a quest with Frank Zang son of Mars, and Hazel Levsque daughter of Plauto, to free Thantos god of death. During that quest I regained my memories. But I had no way of knowing what was coming. A new war had begun. A war that seemed impossible to win. A war against Earth itself."

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