Chapter 7- problem

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Percy Jackson

I lay in bed. I'm not awake, yet not asleep either. I'm just here. No pain, nothing, just here.

I know that if I choose to, I could wake up, or fall back asleep. But both of those options can wait. Right now I don't want anything but this.

I have no idea how long I layed there. It could if been hours, or just a matter of seconds. At his point I had no way of knowing.

I heard a crash from the hallway and I jumped. Pain flared up through my chest. It was like fire blasted through my lungs, but was followed by ice. I gasped, and curled up as I started coughing, trying to regain my breath.

When I calmed down, I flopped down on my back, and sighed.

"Sorry Percy! Didn't mean to wake you up!" I hear Clint's sightly panicked voice from the hallway. "Do you need anything?"

I knew my door was open, even if I couldn't see it. So I grabbed something off my nightstand, (alarm clock, the cord was ripped out of the wall) and chucked it out of the room. I heard Clint yelp.

I hear footsteps and assume Clint was walking away, until I see his face above my bed. I send him a glare.

"Hey throwing stuff across the room is not an answer, so I came anyway." He tells me with a smirk. His face quickly darkened though. "Dude, why are you bleeding?"

I turn over so I can see him better. "What are you talking abo-" I gasped as I felt blood coming out of my side.

"Okay, Percy hold still. I'm gonna take your shirt off, just calm down." Clint kneeled next to my bed. I felt my breathing quicken. Each breath was painful, I knew I needed to slow my breathing down. Yet I couldn't, my entire body was shaking. I was freaking out. I have done this thousands of times, yet my body seemed to of forgotten that.

I feel pressure on my side, and I gasped in pain. I close my eyes tight, willing the pain to go away. It seemed to fade slightly, my body relaxed. I felt almost no pain now. My eyelids felt heavy. Right before I fell asleep I hear my name being screamed.

Clint Barton

I start to apply pressure on the gapping whole in Percy's side and he gasped in pain. I keep going despite his protests.

"Jarvis call the team in here. Tell them it is an emergency!" I say out loud. I hope they understand this is important.

I manage to get the bleeding to slow enough I can get up and grab a towel. I wipe off Percy's stomach and side. I try to tell what caused the wound, but it was to bloody.

I was about to grab something to wrap his side in, when Percy jerked suddenly. His side started bleeding furiously again.

"Jarvis, status on the team?" I say panicking.

"They are on their way sir, the appear to be in the elevator."

"Tell them to hurry up!" I was freaking out. Percy wouldn't stop bleeding.

Suddenly I see Percy's eyes close. His breathing slows. "Percy! Come on man stay with me!"

He jerks forward just as the team stream into the room.

My words seemed to of failed me. "someone do something! Percy- blood - help!" I look up at my friends scared. I hold out the towel that was in my hand. Bruce takes it.

I sit there staring at my blood stained hands. I'm frozen.

Your an assassin, you have delet with blood. This is nothing.

Yeah but never the blood of your friend. Never like this when you were trying to save someone.

Is Percy your friend? Have you ever even talked to him? Why dies this matter. Man up!

I didn't know what to think, I was freaking out.

I felt a hand lead me out of the room. I am lead to Nat's room. I am brought to her bath room. I feel cold water on my hands. I look up.

"It's okay. Bruce will take care of him." Natasha trys to comfort me. It doesn't help.

"Nat what if that was Cooper, or Lila. I was okay for a minute then I froze. I couldn't do anything." I tell her, my voice, and hands, shaking.

She grabs my hands and hold them tight. "Nothing will happen to them. You know that. And you did great with Percy. You kept him alive, and awake till we got there. You spotted his wound and slowed the bleeding."

I sigh, "I just fell like there was more I could of done."

Time skip
Tony Stark

Percy had been in a comma for two weeks. We still don't know how he got injured. But surprisingly his sickness is almost completely gone.

No one knows why or how, but Percy has no fever and x-rays make it seem as if he was never sick. And his side is almost as good as new. All he has is a small scar.

We were all sitting eating breakfast when we heard a crash.

"Jarvis, what was that?" I yell. We all jump up and run to the hall.

"Sir it seems that Mr Jackson is awake. And he appears to be in need of assistance." Jay responded to me.

"What does that mean exactly?" Steve asks.

"He seems to be having a panic attack." Jarvis says calmly.

"Why didn't you start with that!" I yell and run to the med bay.

We get in there and find Percy laying on the ground. Medical equipment is scattered across the ground. Percy's eyes are wide but not seeing.

Sam runs over to him and starts talking to him. I step over and rub his back soothingly, carefully checking to make his side is okay.

After a few minutes Percy sits up. He looks at all of us, one at a time. He sighs and glares at the sky through a window. He says something very fast, in what I assume is Greek. Thor blushes.

We all look at my nephew expectantly. He sighs, "I knew I should have made the promise more specific!"


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