Chapter 17- The mission

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"There is an enhanced on the field." I hear Steve say into the comms. I assume that's he is not talking about any of us.

"Meaning?" I ask as a punch a guy in the face, knocking him out.

"Blue blur, most likely a speadster." He answers.

"Definitely super speed," Clint says, "Perce can you try and take him out?"

"On it."

I closed my eyes and set up a water barrier around me. I turned my senses up, so that I could sense other beings around me. I found one who's blood seemed to be moving much faster than everyone else.

After a second I saw a boy about my age stop in front of me. It was like he appeared out of nowhere, and I realized he was the speadster.

I shot water at him, but he easily dodged it.

"What you didn't see that coming?" He asked me. He had a thick accent. It sounded northern European.

I focused on him. I freezed the blood in his legs. Nothing severe enough to kill him but enough to keep him still. He looked at me, startled and slightly scared.

I smirk, "What you didn't see that coming?"

His eyes shoot around him, then he smiles. "You are a wild card, but then again, so are we."

"We?" I ask slightly nervous.

"My sister." That's all he said before my vision went red. I felt memories come up, but I knew it wasn't me. Someone else has entered my mind.

I'm angery, I finally start to gain control of myself just for someone else to try and take that form me. I let out a small cry of pain and anger, and I fell a burst of power flow from me. Something, or someone, behind me falls to the ground. I shake my head and my vision clears.

All the Hydra agents around me are one the ground. The speadster is gone, but his sister is still behind me. Before I could grab her, a blur goes past me and she's gone. Protective brother to the rescue.

The battle stops momentarily. There is scilence.

"What just happened?" Natasha asks, "Every Hydra agent in a mile radius just dropped."

"Yeah that's probably my bad. I don't know what happened but I let out a burst of power, it was like a shock wave." I rub the back of my neck nervously.

"Are you ok Percy?" Cap asks me.

"I'm good. The speadster has a sister. Some kind of witch. She was able to get into my head and was going through my memories. I pushed her out and that caused the blast." I tell them.

"Tony what's your position, we need to move before back up comes in." Steve demands.

"Give me a second cap, I found something." Tony's excited voice says in the comms.

Clint Barton

It's been 15 minutes, Tony is not responding. Hydra is sending in more soldiers. Great.

I knocked out another agent, and stop to catch my breath. Something goes past me. I hold up my bow, ready to shoot. Something runs into me and I fall to the ground. A blond kid about Percy's age appears in front of me.

"You didn't see that coming?" He laughs as I get up. "You know the other kid, the water boy, was far more challenging than you old man." He runs past me again, throwing me off balance. A cannon fires and hits my side. I fall to the ground, I'm able to push my panic button before I fall unconscious.

Natasha Romanoff

The fight slowed, it looked like this quick battle was finally coming to an end. I stopped to catch my breath when I heard something. A light beeping sound, someone hit their panic button.

I realized it was Clint, and I ran to his position. He was on the ground unconscious, with a large wound on his side bleeding.

"Clint's down." I tell the team. "Lets wrap this party up boys."

I don't get a reply, but I can still hear fighting going on so I'm not worried. Now I just had to make sure Clint doesn't die.

Percy Jackson

"Clint's down" Natasha's voice said through the comm. "Let's wrap this party up boys." I was still getting used to the comms. They make battle so much different. With the demigod battles you had no way of knowing what was going on with the others, yet now it's all at our finger tips.

The battle was almost over, we just had one more group left. Me Thor and Steve were standing in front of the last round of people.

Steve kneels on the ground with his shield above his head. Thor take his hammer and is about to strike the shield. I realized what they were doing and thought of something.

I took all of the water in the air and wrapped it around the Hydra agents right before Thor struck. His lighting was amplified and all the agents fell to the ground. I laughed that was awesome!

Steve and Thor looked at me oddly, apparently they don't think it's normal to laugh while you kill. Oh well.

Time skip

We all got back on the quin jet and were headed back to the tower. Clint was injured pretty badly. While at camp I had learned a few medical skills that could keep someone alive long enough to get help. Considering the fact that Bruce was in the corner wrapped in a blanket de-hulking I decided to take a look at Clint.

I peeled back the bandage covering his wound, and it was bad. I put a water seal over it and reaplyed the bandage. His breathing was slow, but steady, but his heart rate was fast. I placed my hand over his heart and sent multiple pulses through his chest. I did this at about 90 beats per minute. This got his heart at a better speed.

After I finished with Clint, I walked over to Tony. He was driving the jet so I set down next to him.

"You okay Tony?" I ask.

"Yeah just a little shaken up." He answered quietly.

"What happened down there? " I ask him, "What did you see?"

"There was a girl, about your age, she made me see things, horrible things." He says.

"I saw her too, she tried to mess with my brain, but I stopped her. What did she show you?"

"I saw you, and the others, all dead or dieing. It was my fault. You all blamed me. I failed all of you."

I grip Tony's shoulder, "that will never happen. We are all safe and you could never let us down."


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