Chapter 22- Family

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When me and Steve got back to the compound after our run, Bucky and Tony were in the kitchen. I come in covered in sweat and breathing heavy. I grab a glass of water and down it as I lean against the counter.

After a few minutes, Tony coughs to get my attention. "Percy, we completely understand if you don't want to go to school today. You've been through a lot his morning and might not want to deal with that today."

"Thanks guys, but I'm gonna go." I run my and through my hair and sigh, "I want to get my mind off of this, and being here while you guys deal with it won't exactly help. And besides, Peter will worry if I don't show up."

Steve laughs, "If your sure that's what you want, then okay. Just know that we can come pick you up at any point if you need us to."

I smile at my family, "I know, thanks for understanding."

Tony smirks, "Of course kid. Not go shower and change, you stink. And tell Wanda and Pietro that if they want a ride they better get their buts up soon!"

"What ever you say dearest uncle." I say with a mock bow as I walk out.


As soon as I knew that Percy was gone I turned to Tony and Bucky. "Were is he?"

"Gone." Tony said simply.

"What do you mean by that?" I question.

Bucky shook his head, "He means Gabe is in police custody. After much discussion, we finally agreed to just get him sent to prison. We called 911 and told them there was a man trying to kill us. The police came and we showed them the recodings and gave them Gabe. They are coming back later today to tell us when the court day is."

I nod, "Does he know about Percy's family?"

Tony shrugged, "We honestly don't know. He was still unconscious when the police got here. We wanted him gone before you and Percy got back, so they went on and took him."

"Fair enough."

"But," Bucky starts, "they said we would be able to question him privately later."

"Okay, we can work with that." I say as ideas starts floating through my mind. "Will Percy need to testify in court?"

"We asked the police and they said he could if he wishes to, but he doesn't have to. We can just use the recodings." Tony explained.

"Okay then."


"I still do not understand why I have to ride with you. I could sleep in, and still be in time everyday. No need for this silly car."

Wanda Pietro and I were on our way to school. I was driving and Pietro was whining, as usual.

Wanda shook her head, "Pietro, we've been over this, we don't want to draw any unwanted attention. This is easiest, and besides not everyone knows who you are, and about your speed. Someone would be bound to notice that you don't ride with us, and the fact that you would arrive at the exact moment school starts."

I laugh, "What she's saying Sonic, is this is the ways things are and you need to deal with it."

"Shut up Percy! Could you at least drive faster?" Pietro says with a smirk.

"Not gonna happen!" I tell him. "I kinda like this car, so if I don't want Tony to take it, I'm gonna obey the law."

Tony had decided that Happy had better thing to do then drive me to school everyday, so he gave me a car. Gods know how many cars that man has, so it didn't hurt him in any way. I took a red 2019 Jeep Wrangler.

Now you may be thinking, Percy, red seriously? Yes red! I may love blue food, but I still love other colors too!

We pulled into school and got out of the car. Peter, Ned, and MJ came over to us.

"Hey guys." Ned greets.

"Hello" Wanda walks over to Peter and pecks him on the check.

Yes, Wanda and Peter are an item. It was a little awkward at first, but we're all cool now. Pietro at first was really protective over his sister. One day he told me that he wished it had been me instead of Peter. When he told me that I just laughed. Wanda is my sister, and I'm not in the mood to date anyone right now.

Time skip

At lunch we all sat together in the back of the cafeteria. No one said anything for a while, everyone content to just sit.

The silence was broken when Flash came over. "Parker and his pack of dorks! I don't know how you guys can even show your faces here with those freaks."

I got up fast, faster than possible for most. I knew immediately what he was talking about. Wanda and Pietro. "You wanna say that again Flash? You really wanna insult my family? You know I can beat you up and not even bat and eye. So if you like they configuration your body is in right now, I suggest you take that back, and fast."

Flash laughed, "You think I'm scared of you Jackson?"

I send him a small glare, "You should be, I've dealt with much worse than you. So I'm gonna say this again, take back what you said about my family."

"Why should I? Your a freak too, you're all a bunch of freaks, everybody in that tower of yours. You might be big and strong, but I'm fast."

Petro got up, and stood next to me. "Really, so am I." He super sped around Flash taking a sharpie and drawing a mustache on his face.

Flash shook his head, oblivious to what just happened. "Yeah, I'm sure you are. Jackson, if you ever want to hang with someone less, well," he motioned to my friends at the table, "let me know."

"Yeah I'll get back to you on that. Just as soon as Tony Stark gets lost in space." Flash walked away, and I was glad to see him go.

Peter looked embarrassed when I sat back down. "Thanks guys."

I clap him on the back, "Of course dude. We're all family and this is what family does. And he was taking jabs at everyone, not just you."

MJ laughs, "This sure is one messed up family."

Ned nods, "The best always are."

I laugh, he has no idea how right he is.


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