Chapter 11- School

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Tony Stark

The past week has been rough. Percy has had two flashbacks and a panic attack. We're all just hoping that school will give him a distraction from all of this. His life has been one disaster after another for so long now, I'm hoping that this will be a fresh start for him.

Percy Jackson

I get up early Monday morning. After a quick shower, I head downstairs. I planned on making breakfast for everyone.

This was a tradition me and Mom had. One the first day of school, we would always make a big breakfast together. This will be the first year of me doing it without her.

When I got into the kitchen, I'm surprised to see Natasha sitting at the counter. Usually she doesn't get up till seven, it's only six.

"Tasha, why are you up so early?" I ask her.

She looks up ate and smiles, "To much stuff on my mind to sleep. Why are you up so early?"

"I was gonna make breakfast."

"I'll help you."

I was conflicted. It would be nice to spend time with Natasha. I don't know that much about her. But at the same time, this was me and mom's thing. It feels wrong to do it with someone else

Finally I decided that Nat wasn't trying to pry, and just trying to reach out to me. I excepted her offer, and together we made enough food to feed an army.

An hour later the whole team is eating our food. And they seem to like it.

"Dang Perce!" Sam exclaimed, "How did you learn to cook like this?"

"My mom, this is actually her recipe." I tell them with a smile.

"Well I certainly have missed Sally's cooking, that's for sure." Tony tells me, "How many of her recipes do you have?"

"Tons," I say as I get up. "I have to go now if I don't want to be late. Later guys."

Twenty minutes later, Happy pulled up to my brand new school. Despite my best efforts, I was late. Class started ten minutes ago, and I had to get my schedule. I was off to a great start!

I head into the office, and walk over to the lady at the desk.

"Um, excuse me ma'am. My name's Perseus Jackson, I'm new here."

She looked up at me and smiled. "Mr Jackson, nice to meet you, my name is Ms Cooper. Let me go see if I can find you schedule." The lady got up and left the room. She seemed nice, and I don't think she's a monster.

A few minutes later, Ms Cooper comes back with some papers. "Since you were gone for all of last year and there is no legal documentation of any schooling, you will be a sophomore. You will be placed in the accelerated program though." She had a look of pity, but I knew that would happen. "Here is your schedule, and locker information. I also called a student down to show you around. You can wait for him in the lobby."

I walk out into the lobby. I wander over to the fish tank up against the wall. I hoped this year went well. I racked my brain trying to think of anything that could mess this up. The only thing I could think of was the avengers, but they wouldn't do anything because they want this for me.

I look down at the fish, they were all looking at me. "Hey guys"

I couldn't understand them, but I could feel their presence. I could feel them trying to talk to me.

"I'm sorry guys, I don't know what your saying, I can't understand you anymore." That seemed to satisfy them enough because they looked away and resumed swimming.

I stood at the tank for another minute or two, till I heard footsteps. I didn't turn around, but tuned in my senses.

The person was male, probably my age. He was just a little short than me, and had a slimmer build.

"I'll be, either I've gone crazy, or the dead walks among us. Percy Jackson!" Crap! The dude started talking and I recognized his voice. It was slightly deeper, and more mature but definitely him.
       I slowly spun around. "Hey Peter."


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