Welcome To Piedmont

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Three more hours and two panic attacks later, the Speedy Beaver finally comes to a stop. I stand up immediately, grabbing my things and tripping over Waddles as the livestock sleeps on the floor, rushing my way to the front of the vehicle and out the doors. I greedily take a deep breath of fresh air.

"Whoa! Wait up, Mace!" I hear Dipper call me from behind. Turning around, I see said boy tumble out the doors with his luggage toppling on top of his small frame. I cover my lips as I giggle and Mabel steps over him, Waddles following suit, but not having the decency to not step on the poor boy. "Oof..." he groans, accepting defeat on the cement.

"Come on, Dipper! Get up!" Mabel kicks at his side.

"Mabel, chill!" I command through laughs. She stops and allows Dipper to get up, which he does with a groan. "Ahhh." I take another deep breath of the crisp, California air. "I haven't been to California in a while," I exclaim.

"Well it's only been three months, silly." A new voice startles me, causing me to whip around and search for whoever spoke. The twins catch a glimpse of my face and burst into a fit of giggles, clutching their stomachs and everything. Farther down the sidewalk are two adults walking our way, waving.

'I am so confused...'

"Ow!" I recoil when an elbow comes out of nowhere, jabbing me sharply in the side. I look at Dipper with a 'What?!' look on my face, silently asking what I'm missing here.

"Those are our parents, Mace!" he whisper-shouts. 

"Oh...OH!" I start to get really nervous, fidgeting my hands around as I don't know what to do in this situation. "What do I do? What do I do?" I ask in a panic, "I don't know them! I-I-I-" Mabel snaps me out of my funk, as she grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me vigorously.

I awkwardly smile as Dipper grabs my hand and waves to the adults for me. "Mom, Dad!" Mabel cries, running up to them and hugging them joyfully. 

"Just be yourself," Dipper tells me.

"Be myself? Do they know me as myself? I mean, I don't know what happened before Gravity Falls, so what if they recall childhood memories?" My brother's eyes widen, probably not thinking of that.

"Uh, just leave it to me and Mabel, it'll be okay." I sigh and hum an 'Okay'.

"Dipper! Macie!" The mom kneels down with her arms open wide. 'Uhhhh...?'

Sensing my discomfort, Dipper coughs, "Mom, don't you think we're a little too old to run and jump into your arms?"

"Oh, you two, always so mature!" mom laughs and stands back up. "We can talk about your guys' summer over dinner tonight." 

"She's right, we made turkey." The man, whose shoulders Mabel is riding on, I assume is my father, starts to lead the way home. I lag around Dipper, not quite comfortable with these people, yet.

~~Time Skip brought to you by: Awkward encounters! They happen to you whether you like it or not!~~

After walking for a little while, we stop in front of a normal looking city home, surrounded by others that look similar. 'It seems like a nice, quaint neighborhood,' I think as I take a look around. "Alright, guys. Go up to your rooms, unpack your stuff, then get washed up and come down for dinner," our Dad tells us as Mom opens the door.

As I walk inside the house, Mabel and Dipper run ahead, the first thing I notice is the simple-ness. There's a stairway when you first walk in. 'I assumed it would be two-story from the very beginning of Gravity Falls that showed the twins in their home...' To the left of the stairs is the way to walk further into the building, a picture frame hangs on the wall there. 'From the show, too...'

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