Operation Find Bill!

543 23 35

Friday, October 5th 2012

William 'Bill' Rehpic. Changed the school mascot to The Pyramids. Eerily eyes me when he can. 

I drop my pencil, wondering how I didn't figure this out sooner.

"Our principal is Bill Cipher!" I scream. Then I wince since I forgot that it's 4 in the morning.

'But what about Aiden?! Did Bill just put him there to easily keep tabs on us? Maybe he paid the kid to say what he said...'

"Ngh...Mac..cie?" Mabel yawns, blearily rubbing her sleepy eyes as I slowly turn away from facing her in my computer chair.

"Nothing! Shh!" I put a finger to my lips, "Go back to sleep!" I scribble on the paper I was jotting my thoughts down on. 

'I can't raise any alarms! Maybe I'm just really tired and not thinking straight! Y-yeah, that's gotta be it! Bill can't actually be back! C-can he?'

My stomach starts to flip as I suddenly don't feel so hot. Actually, I'm sweating. So, throwing my pencil across the room in frustration, ignoring Mabel's gasp, I quickly get out of my suffocating room and move into the bathroom, sitting on its cold, tiled floor.

Since the whole house is silent, my ears pick up movement from down the hall. I assume it's my sister getting up and going to see where I went. Sighing, my thoughts run wildly. They don't seem to wanna die down anytime soon, so I'm stuck on the floor for the time being until my panic attack can lessen.

Surprisingly enough, especially with school and everything, I haven't had a panic attack ever since I came back with the twins. And the thing that's riling me up is the thought of Bill coming back.

'That's ridiculous!'  I have to tell myself, even though the sweet nothings I say don't do anything anyways.

A light knock interrupts my boggling thoughts, 'Thank goodness!'  "Macie? You in there? What's wrong?" Mabel's sweet and caring voice raises a couple octaves with each question.

"Uh..." 'I can't lie even if I wanted to...'  I sigh, "...No, I'm not alright. Kinda freaking out here." With not as much as a warning, the door opens, albeit slowly but hastily, and a long haired brunette tip-toes in with concern lacing her eyes.

Her eyes dart to me on the floor. Sighing, she crosses her arms to hug herself as it's a little chilly in the bathroom and she's only wearing a night gown, and crosses her legs with me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong, Mace?"

"Pretty sure I'm having a panic attack, haha, I dunno." Trying to take my mind off things, chuckling and what not, sometimes helps with my nausea.

The teen tsks, pulling me closer. "Why? What's wrong? You have been doing so well!"

"Yeah well, I think I've come to a conclusion to all the confusion I've been having revolving around school...and now that I do, it scares me to death because I might just be right!" Should I really keep this information in? Thor knows what happened last time I kept a secret! 

'Maybe the twins can help me? No, no, wait, what about Mabel's PTSD with the color pink? I mean, she's been doing better but if one whole thing is fully pink, she won't look at it. Dipper...Dipper might and probably will take this way out of proportion. I don't even know if I'm one hundred percent sure of my claims!'

"Do you want me to get your inhaler? Any medicine? Then get Dipper and talk about this?" she asks, rubbing my back.

"I-I-I-don't think I need my inhaler...but maybe talking to you both about it is good. Yeah, both of you..." I trail off, suddenly not remembering what I was thinking about.

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