Keep Moving Forward

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Thank you for all of your wonderful suggestions for food places! However, I chose Guest's use of Sandwich Monarch! Don't worry! Others may be used down the road! :)

November 16th

Sandwich Monarch, this world's equivalent to 'Burger King'. It's good, just like the original! 

"Mm! Nom!" Mabel loudly eats at her chicken nuggets. To the side of her sat a paper cup of ketchup, where her fries are currently residing. 

I give her a strange, concealed, look. 'Now don't get me wrong! I put my fries in my dipping sauce like they're in a hot tub, too. But Mabel over here is playing with them as if they are! What the he-'

"Hey, Macie, are you okay, dear?" Mom's voice cuts off my train of thought.

"Huh? Oh, yeah...I guess I'm just thinking on what to do for the science fair," I admit, dipping a fry into some ranch and then munching on it.

Dad swallows audibly loud. "Ah that's right! When is it again?"

Funny enough, Mabel and I look to our brother at the same time. He splutters and blushes. "Wh-why'd you both look at me?" he cries.

I deadpan, "'Cause you're the one who'd most likely know the answer to the question." Mabel enthusiastically nods. 

"That's fair. It's next Wednesday, after school," Dipper explains, wiping his hands on a napkin.

"Do you two know what you're doing? Seeing as you're teaming up, that is." Mom smiles sweetly.

'She's probably happy they're working together this time since, from what I've heard, they don't collaborate well during science fairs.'

"Oh Dipper and I've got this in the BAG!" And there goes all the ketchup and bathing french fries. *Sigh*

"Daw, come on! You got ketchup all over my pants!" I stand up and look in disgust at my nice, used-to-be-clean, leggings. I growl and go over to the concessions to obtain more napkins. 

'These were just washed, too...' Groaning, I toss the used ones in the trash and take a pile of new ones to the table where there was no doubt a mess. 

"Thanks, hun," Dad grabs them and starts wiping down the table.

As I sit back down, Mabel looks to me, ashamed, mumbling, "Sorry, Macie..." 

"S'fine. You wouldn't believe how messy my brother and sister were back home," I whisper back with a lopsided smile.

She returns it and resumes eating, albeit carefully this time.

"So," Dad speaks again, "the science fair. What did you two make or have in mind?"

"Well-!" Shooting Star's mouth got covered by Pine Tree's hand faster than a shooting star.

"It's a surprise!" He quickly laughs awkwardly to the parents and then glares at Mabel. "I don't want them knowing what it is! I always have my projects a surprise!"

"But this time it's our project! Why can't we tell them now? It's half mine. That means half the rights!"

"Oh boy..." I roll my eyes and sip my soda.

"So? Why do we have to tell them? Why can't we just keep it a secret?"

"Because I wanted to show it off to them!"

"Mabel!" Dipper pinches his nose and sighs, "We haven't even made it yet! How can you show off something we haven't crafted?!"

"Well I could show off the idea, uh-der!"

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