Meet The Pines

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Title is a nod to the TOTALLY UNDERRATED film; Meet The Robinsons

November 15

"Science fair?" I scrunch my nose. "Ehhhh I'm not good at this kind of stuff... Plus, I've never ever done one."

Mabel puts a finger to her chin in thought. "Well... It's not too important to our grade, but you should still at least do something and have a project... It'll probably be worth it in the long run."

"Actually, Mabel," Dipper chimes in matter-of-factly, "the science fair has no influence on your science grades unless you win. In that case, the science teacher will be sure to put in a good word for the college of your choosing!" With his fists close to his chest, Dipper quivers in excitement, "Oooo I'm so excited!"

"Okay, so we know Dipper's doing the project..." Mabel crosses her arms and looks away with a look of distaste.

I furrow my brows in confusion before turning back to my brother. "So it's not required?" My hopes rise a little bit.

"No it's definitely required." And there it all goes. Down the drain only to return as despair. "It just doesn't affect your grade. Think of it as for fun but you gotta do it."

"Doesn't sound very fun to me," I pout. Pine Tree chuckles, patting my back.

"It's okay. We'll all help each other out! Now, though, we gotta figure out what each of us is going to do!" 'Is it just me or is Dipper being all overly-confident right now?'

"Come on, Mace, let's go back to our room." Mabel drags me from my elbow. On our way out, I can hear Dipper mumbling about tons of science-y things.

But what really got me was how egotistical he sounded just then.

"Erm, Mabes?" I writhe my hands together nervously, not really knowing if she's in the mood to talk from her body language. She stops from pacing and stares at me with innocence, so I'm in the go. "Is Dipper always this confident during the science fair?"

She sighs, "Since you don't know, I'll explain." The girl pats the seat next to her after she took a spot on her bed, so I join. "Every year we have science fairs. Before, they were purely for fun. But this year, for some reason, is different- I'm not sure why... Anyways, every year Dipper loses to his rival, Alex. He's constantly obsessed with beating them!"

"Oh I remember that kid. We don't have any classes with em' except Dipper, right?"

"Yup! So this year Dipper's been talking to me about this genius idea he's had for a while now and he won't shut up about it! He's extremely over confident about himself and- honestly? it's getting annoying... Every year I want to do something with him but he always gets caught up in his own stuff..." I frown as the usually happy girl sighs sadly as she grips her arm and looks down.

"Awwww... Come're.." I hold my arms out and she shuffles slowly into them. I enclose my arms around her and rub her back. "It's okay, Mabes. Dipper doesn't what he's doing, being so obsessed with beating Alex, but I'll talk to him for you okay?"

"You-you'd do that for me?"

"Of course I will!" 'I feel like a mother.'

"Thanks Macie. I just feel so stupid for feeling like this. Like, why do I feel so left out when I have you here with me, too?"

I have to think about this one for a second. Then I remember. "Hey remember Pioneer Day?" I feel her head nod on my chest. "Well, remember when you two practically forgot I was there when we were chasing down the real founder of Gravity Falls?" Another nod. "Well I think that's what's happening. I don't really know how to explain but... I feel that's the best explanation and you shouldn't feel bad about it."

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