Education Can Be Hard

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If y'all got an update that I published another chapter...I accidentally deleted this one DX So....

Kudos to Bedrock Armor and Angelwings2002 for figuring out where 'Here we go...' comes from! Stan says it at the end of Gideon Rises.

Bedrock Armor, I can't believe I am that stupid DX Last chapter was the 21st and in that chapter, school started the next day... which would be Saturday the 22nd...Brb, I gotta go change it! Also, I really like your FaceTime name idea! And since FaceTime and Skype are different things, I'll be sure to use your 'HeadChat' sometime!

Ok, now that that's done... I welcome you to the first day of the school year!

September 24th 2012

Backpack? Check. Lunch? Nah, I'm trying the cafeteria. Phone? Most definitely. Triplets? Eh, they're around here somewhere I'm sure. Sleep? Not really.

I feel like drowsing back to sleep while I lean my head on the window of the school bus. Dipper pats my shoulder. At least, I hope it's Dipper, because Mabel is in the back catching up with some friends and I honestly don't know where that boy went. I sneak a peak. 'Thank goodness...' I see that it's only my dorky brother.

"Mace, you okay? Did you get any sleep?"

"Not really," I reply in a British accent, because why not?

"Geez..." I hear him sigh and brush what little hair is in my eyes. Opening them fully, I sit up and take in what's happening. There's a lot of kids currently on the bus, so that's great. 'Notice my sarcasm...'

It's loud, too. What, with these girls screeching about make up or the boys raging on some new video game. 'What's with all the stereotypes?'

Then there's the usual 'cool' kid per bus. Cussing here and there. 'Guess this isn't much different than real world school...' At least that part makes me feel a little better. Just a little.

"What? Thought I could sleep? Pfft, my anxiety levels are through the roof as it is!" I throw my hands in the air for emphasis. "Dipper." I get serious, "I haven't been to public school since fourth grade. That's not including the three days I actually went to eighth grade. Yes," I roll my eyes at the look he's giving me, "I went to middle school for three days before going back to online."

"Well..." The male sounds like he's at a loss of what to say, but scrounges something, "That's okay! You might not remember us going to school, but it'll be okay! We'll be here with you along the way," he reassures me. but I don't feel reassured.

"Really? Cuz' Mabel is all the way in the back right now." I jab behind our seat. Dipper winces and face palms.

"Okay, well, when we get to school, I'll make sure Mabel stays with ya. Plus, she'll want to, anyways." I accept his surety with a smile. He takes it and goes back to a hand held game he brought with him. 'The one we saw in the beginning of the show? I'm gonna go with that...'

The large yellow vehicle finally comes to an agonizing stop that I've been dreading for the entire way here. Kids start piling up as the front doors aren't even open yet and when they do, the bus is empty in a minute flat. 'People were usually too freaking slow when I went to school...'

The awkward, no longer a pre-teen, sweaty kid I call my brother starts pulling on my arm. I resist as much as I can. "Come on, Macie!" he groans, tugging with all his might.

I moan, leaning back into the cushioned seat some more. "Hey guys!" Mabel's cheery voice interrupts our tug-of-war. Tsking, Mabel pouts, "Macie... Come on, it'll be fine! I'm with ya!"

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