You Had Me At Yellow...Flower?

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Thank you, Dragon Ryd3r for requesting the twins learn about Undertale!

So apparently schools in Piedmont, California started on August 22nd....I'm just gonna have the school start in my story on the 22nd of September. (Thank you Bedrock Armor for the info~)

September 4th 2012

I start my morning with a bang. No, not the good kind, and yes, seriously, I did. It was first. And now I'm stuck outdoors with two unprepared siblings and absolutely no electronics.

~~1 hour earlier~~

"GET UP!!!!" I shoot up in my bed with a scream as Waddles goes flying off my chest, landing on the floor and then getting up like nothing happened. Our room was finished about a day ago, but our parents said to keep our posters off the wall for another few days. The lilac walls shimmer in the morning sunlight that creeps through a single window in my shared bedroom.

"Why are you yelling?!" I yell right back to my sister, who is currently running around the room like a madman.

"Dipper and I have big plans! BIG PLANS!" She repeats, then emphasizes 'big plans' like someone on a TV show I liked watching...

"What kind of plans?" Rubbing my eyes, I throw my legs over the side of my bed and stand up.

"It's a surpriiiise!" Mabel sing-songs, running out into the hall. Her head quickly pokes back in as soon as I thought I was safe, so I flinch since her smile is way too wide for my liking. "Oh, get dressed and come downstairs! Waddles, you too!"

"Oink!" the pig squeaks and follows his owner.

'Okaaaaay...I don't have time for this... I'm a grown woman and have better things to do...' I laugh to myself, 'What am I thinking? Of course I have nothing better to do...wait...'

Self pity aside, I get dressed in a simple outfit consisting of my normal camo leggings, but instead of my blue and grey shirt, I throw on a plain black tee with a fat, grey cat on the front, eating burgers and fries.

Descending downstairs, I run into Mom. "Morning, sweetie, did Mabel wake you?" I nod silently. "Well, she's waiting for you out back with Dipper," she tells me and then heads upstairs to, I assume, her room.

I pass the living room, the kitchen, and even the spare bathroom, before I reach the back door. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, that is, until I turned around. There, on the side of our house is a large image projected by a projector further in the yard, although it's hidden behind a bush or two for some reason.

"Whaaaat is going on?" I ask, completely and utterly confused by this randomness.

Mabel comes from behind the bush and, hilariously tripping over his shoes, Dipper comes out, too. He looks pretty proud of himself after falling on his face, but who am I to judge?

" dear sister, is a screen projected onto the house wall!" Dipper announces, gesturing his arms to the building.

"Uh," I roll my eyes, "yeah, I can see that. I'm asking why?"

"So we can play a game on your laptop!" Dipper quickly goes into panic mode as I start to frown in, not confusion, but anger.

"Mabel! I told you not to tell her!" He tries covering her mouth but recoils when she licks him.

"But- you were gonna anyways!" she retorts.

"Tell me what?! Dipper, you went through my laptop?!" They both stop at my accurate accusation. Mabel elbows him as he tugs at his shirt collar, his whole body stiff and sweaty.

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