Hey, Brother and Sister

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Important A/N at the end, so please consider reading it :)

Lol, extra long chapter! Sorry I took so long DX... ANYWAY, this chapter is based on the popular horror game. Layers of Fear.

Note's left by H.N are an Easter Egg requested by my friend!

"Come on, Macie! It's almost Halloween! Our favorite holiday!" Mabel whines, not letting go of the ankle she's currently gripping. Since my sister is unfathomably strong, I can't move and sigh.

"Yeah, maybe you and Dipper's favorite, but not mine! I can't do freaky stuff... Come to think of it..." I start trailing off, remembering, "I went into a haunted house and one thing made me jump and I had to squeeze my eyes shut and grip onto my aunt the entire time. That thing cost a lot of money to go in, too!"

"But Macieeeee!" I groan and shake my head, massaging the bridge of my nose.

"Erm... Girls?" A brown head full of hair pokes his head in, confusion etched in every possible location.

Mabel's whining abruptly stops as we both stare at our brother. "Dipppppperrrrrr!" She releases my ankle and clutches onto Dipper's. "Tell Macie she has to go with us!!!"

"What? Where?" he asks, now looking even more confused than before.

'Wait, I'm free.' I realize and take a seat on my bed, flattening out the wrinkles that are visible.

"The haunted house! Did you forget!?" Eyes watering, Dipper avoids contact with our over dramatic sister.

"Er...n-no? Of course I didn't?" I face palm at his unbelievingness. 'That a word? It is now.' I smirk to myself smugly.

"You did! I can't believe you did!" 'Whoa!' Mabel halfheartedly punches his chest and runs out, but turns back before descending the stairs. "Fine! I don't need you two to go to the haunted house with me! I'll find someone else!"

Then she was gone.

"You think she's serious?" I ask. Dipper sighs, shrugs and then sits next to me.

"Honestly? Probably. I totally forgot about the whole thing because I was working on some of my advanced school work so I can finally beat Alex!" I grin as he makes a fist and waves it in the air.

"Oh yeah... when am I going to meet this Alex person?"

"Never. Ugh. So annoying..." His moans make me laugh as he shuffles out of the room.

"He can't be that bad!" I yell after him but get no response.

~~Time Skip brought to you by: Leviathans; Worse than Demons...I think?~~

"Mabel come on... I'm sorry I forgot okay?" From my spot on the couch, I can hear Dipper fail at his lame apology to Mabel in the kitchen.

"She still ignoring you?" I stifle a snort as my brother walks into the room, slumping.

I only get a glare in response, which makes me release my laughter at his despair. Then again, I probably deserved the slap that came next. "Jerk..." the boy mumbles. Again, I giggle, but then seeing his face, I sober and sit up.

"Come on, Dip, she can't be mad for long!" 'Right?!'

"Macie, you saw how long she moped on that totem pole when she lost Waddles!" he outbursts, his arms out and everything.

"Oh yeah..." My finger rests on my chin as I ponder, "that's a good point..." 

"So what do I do!?" I don't get to answer the awkward teen as the other teen steps in, generating us to not make a sound and just watch her make her way up the stairs, skipping a few along the way.

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