Mall Rats

761 36 61

September 6th 2012

So, September 22nd in 2012 is a school will start the 24th on a MONDAY AND THAT'S FINAL! XD

"Leave me aloooonnneee! It's still summer break!" I moan, rolling over in my bed and holding my covers over my head. 'I don't even know what's happening anymore...'

"No Macie! You gotta get up! Mom said we're going to the mall today!" Mabel tries pulling off my soft, warm, protection with brute force and since she's terrifyingly strong, she rips them right off.

Instantly, chills go though my whole body as I shiver. "Really!?" I try to get the blanket back but she pulls them away.

"Nuh uh! You're getting up and you're gonna like it!" 'Did she actually throw the entire thing onto the floor?!' I sit up quickly, looking to our carpeted floor and seeing my poor comforter lying there in despair.

"Mabel!" I swing my legs over to pick it up, but she giggles and snatches it away before I can get a grip on it.

"Here, get dressed! Dipper's getting breakfast ready." The girl tosses me some clothes that look different to the ones I've been used to lately, so I inspect them one by one.

The clothes I got consist of a cute skirt, which I'm assuming is not mine..., and a frilly top. "Seriously?" I mumble quietly, but apparently Rabbit Ears over there heard me.

"Yes, seriously! Hah!" Mabel gives me a stern look before heading downstairs, "You better get dressed in what I got you, cuz' today's gonna be great!" Then she descends downstairs, leaving me alone and confused as I blink my eyes a couple times.

"Yeah yeah..." Rolling my eyes, I stand up and throw the shirt over my head. It's a plain white shirt, except it's got frills all over so it looks fancy. Then the skirt Mabel gave me is a plain orange, nothing special, it just looks like the skirts she wears. Tall white socks and some flats, in my size, so I own them, apparently, and a simple orange head band.

'Okay, this outfit is actually pretty darn endearing.' I pull up the skirt and then my socks, slipping on my shoes soon after. Finally, I put the headband on and gaze at myself in a nearby mirror.

'Heckin' cute!' I twirl  once and then grab my trusty backpack, slinging it over my shoulder and rushing downstairs into the kitchen

"ADORABLE!" Mabel squeals from the kitchen table when I enter, kicking her legs wildly while shoveling some toast into her mouth.

"Mabel, please don't talk with your mouth full and you do look cute, Mace." 

"Thanks," I blush at Dipper's compliment. "I was a little worried about showing my legs too much, but the socks cover almost up to my knees," I admit. "I kinda look like a fox!" Giggling, I twirl again.

"Yeah you do. How do you like your eggs? Well, I mean, you liked them scrambled back then but I'm not really sure now..." Dipper trails off, holding a pan in one hand and a spatula in the other.

"Scrambled," I answer quickly, then add, "I've always like scrambled."

Nodding, my brother goes back to work as I sit down. "So what's all this about, anyway?"

Mabel finishes a bite with a loud swallow and then smacks her lips, sipping some orange juice before speaking, "Mom said they gotta go to the store to get some things for fall starting, and she said she'd drop us off at the mall! We can show you around our hometown, doesn't that sound fun!?"

"Yeah, it does, how far is the mall?" I silently thank Dipper as he places down a plate of eggs and toast for me.

"The mall's called Stoneridge, it's over in Pleasanton , so it's a little ways, but you'll be fine, right?" Worry is evident in Dipper's eyes as he sits down with his own plate of food.

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