The Halloween Bash

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Hey everyone! I've been extremely busy lately! The weekend of 19th 20th and 21st was Portland's Retro Gaming Expo and I went to that all three days XD It was so much fun! You can check out my pictures on Instagram under the same name.

October 27th 2012

I've never met 'Aiden's' parents, what do I say? Oh I really hope Bill answers...Crap, did I knock already? If I have should I do it again? Or would that be rude? Crap crap crap!'

Despite my better judgement, I knock. Soon, a man greets me. 'It's the dad! Even worse! Gah!'

"Um, hi." I awkwardly wave. "Is Bi- Aiden here?"

"One moment please."

"O-" the door slams, "-kay."

Not knowing what to do, I resort to teetering on my feet and awkwardly looking around. The house stands next to others, kinda like mine, in a simple, stereotypical neighborhood. It seems like hours are going by before the front door opens back up and Bill answers.

He looks pretty annoyed, remorseful and uncertain. 'Are these good emotions? I'm not sure...'


"Erm...this is the time you invite me in...?"

A shocked look of realization settles in on the 7th grader's face. "Oh! Uh-er, I mean...come in?" He doesn't move out of the way.

I giggle, thanking him and brushing passed him. Then, turning around, I expect for my former enemy to do something, but he just stands there, avoiding eye contact.

"Um, could we speak? In your room?" I shyly ask. 

He starts guiding me through a nearby hallway, pointing. "Sure... it's over here." 

From my brief appearance in Bill's house, I gather that, although it looks to be two story from the outside, it's actually a simple one story but with a big attic. I know this because from the outside look...and the string I just ran into hanging from the ceiling with a visual door implanted there.

The walls are littered with family photos and the occasional Christ portraits and other religious things, like a crucifix.

'Bill wasn't joking...'

"Every time I'm in this house, it gives me the shivers... I'll bet the AXOLOTL put me here on purpose..." I give the boy a pat of pity on the back.

Curious, I ask, "Does this stuff usually do this to you regardless the form?"

"Yeah, most of the time. I've been trying to drown it out... but" Bill doesn't finish his sentence, instead, violently shivering.

I silently laugh through my nose, making sure he doesn't see. "So what brought on the random visit? I'd prefer going to your place for obvious reasons."

"Well..." I tilt my head, "You kinda just...fled without reason so. Plus," I lean in to whisper nervously, "your dad is kinda scary."

"Tell me about it!" That Bill Cipher flare starts back up a little. "He's super big and scary but then sometimes he's super nice and soft! Who does that! This is some chaotic good over here and I'm not liking it. I'm the chaotic evil type of guy."

"Yeah. I got that already," I deadpan.

"Ugh, they're so strict, too! 'Aiden' has to go to bed at nine o'clock sharp! I'm a being of pure energy and no weaknesses, except tickling, who has a bedtime! A bedtime!"

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